Capital Campaign Preparation Update – We Need to Hear From You!

The Strategic Vision Task Force met June 27th to review the input received from the congregation so far, and to incorporate suggestions into the presentation for the future cottage meetings. Approximately 40 members have provided feedback and offered new ideas at the recent meetings. Meetings will continue through July (See below).

The response for moving forward with necessary repairs and expansion opportunities at UUCWC has been overwhelmingly positive. However, we still need to hear from more of you!! In particular, we need to hear from parents and caretakers of children in RE, youth and others. Your voices are critically important.

Please try to attend one of the three remaining scheduled meetings- Sunday, July 9th, Thursday, July 13th, or Sunday, July 23rd. Additionally, please share any and all of your ideas with one of our task force members. Those folks are: Jayme Trott, Farzad Shadzik, Steve Saddlemire, Kevyn Malloy, Pete Rafle, George Faulkner, Steve Fishbein, Jim Sanders, and Holly Bussey OR just look for those wearing bright orange construction vests on Sunday mornings! You can also email us with any questions/comments to