Welcome to CrossCurrents!  Your comments are welcome at crosscurrents@uucwc.org

In this issue:

New Here? by Rev. Kim Wildszewski

UU Summer Camps and Conferences by Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education

Board Chat by Nina Todor, Trustee, Board of Trustees

Capital Campaign/Project Update by Jayme Trott, Co-Chair

Council for Faith in Action Update by Michal Wilson, Chair

What’s Brewing by Al Johnson, Co-Chair, Earth Ministry

UUWC Spring Auction Planning Meeting

Com-Passion Support Group

Statement from the Commission on Institutional Change
Airport and Train Transportation Service

New Here?
Rev. Kim Wildszewski

Every so often I return to a particular article I read while in seminary, still dreaming, still curious what congregational life would entail. The piece, published by the Alban Institute, a highly acclaimed resource out of Duke Divinity School that speaks to ministers of all denominations about leadership and church life, boldly and concisely lays out what to expect in the first ten years of pastoring a congregation as a solo minister.  Read more…

UU Summer Camps and Conferences
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education

Temperatures may be below freezing but I know that many parents are considering their children’s summer plans. I’d like to highlight several UU summer camps and conferences that UUCWC children love attending. These longer UU immersion experiences are excellent ways to solidify a child’s Unitarian Universalist identity build lifelong friends with other UU children and have fun. UU Camps are magically religious. They offer games, swimming, music, nature, art bonfires and more.  Read more…

Robin can be reached at dre@uucwc.org.

From your Board of Trustees

Board Chat

Nina Todor, Trustee

Once a month UUCWC board members hold a Board Chat between Sunday services.  It is a chance for church members to check out what is going on with the board, and the church. What are current issues, what is on the hot seat and what has been put on the back burner?  In December a few church members visited during the middle hour; here is a sampling of some of the issues we discussed, including the Capital Campaign, absentee voting, breakthrough congregations, and staffing.  Read more…

Capital Campaign/Project Update

Jayme Trott, Co-Chair

As we all share a collective sigh of relief that the parking improvements are mostly completed, the Building and Renovations sub-committee has moved on to the next stage of our capital improvement planning.  We hope to have conceptual plans and preliminary pricing to share with the congregation by the end of the first quarter of 2019.   Read more...

Council for Faith in Action Update – January 2019

Michael Wilson, Chair

The Council for Faith in Action is responsible for the distribution of the 50% of the weekly plate allocated to social justice causes. Is there an organization that you are passionate about, that you feel puts your faith in action? Contact us for details on submitting a funding request. Thanks to your generosity, we’ve recently been able to provide support to the following organizations.  Read more…

What’s Brewing?

Al Johnson, Co-Chair, Earth Ministry

Are you a coffee drinker? Do you like the coffee served during Sunday’s fellowship hour? Most of that coffee is “Fair Trade” and Certified Organic. It’s what!?  Read more…

Save the Dates

January 27, Middle Hour

Trusting News in the Misinformation Age

January 27, 7:30pm
Auction Planning Meeting

January 30, 8pm
Whose Faith is it Anyway?
Black UU Theological Framework Panel Discussion, streamed live

February 10, 2:30pm
UUCWC Concert Series
Meditation Concert

February 20, 6pm
Welcome Table Wednesday

UU Faith Action NJ – Justice Policy Update Conferences

February 3, 12:30-3:30pm
Criminal Justice Reform


February 10, 12:15-3:15pm
More details here

2019 Auction
Planning Meeting
January 27, 7:30pm

Dessert-only potluck

It’s UUCWC spring auction time!  The auction is our major fundraiser and fun-raiser of the year, helping to build community and support UUCWC programs.  Come join a great team and learn how you can help. RSVP to  auction@uucwc.org and thanks for your support of the UUCWC community!

The Pastoral and Caring Ministry introduces a new Support Group, COM-PASSION (Feeling With), for those dealing with anxiety and depression, to explore anxiety/stress reduction methods and coping skills. Contact Denny Rodgers, who will be facilitating the group, for more info. caring@uucwc.org

Statement from the Commission on Institutional Change:

On Covenants and Healthy Conflict

Our covenants are agreements we make which gather us together and point us towards our path to building the Beloved Community.  Read more…

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing

268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ  08560

609-737-0515  |  uucwc@uucwc.org  |  www.uucwc.org