Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at communications@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
Congratulations to Rev. Kim Wildszewski
My Introduction to OWL (Our Whole Lives) by Clare Doyle, OWL Teacher
Singers and Instruments Are Instrumental to Sunday Services by Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
Notes of a Chaplain by Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
Celebration, by Marianne Alt, President, Board of Trustees
Update from the Racial Justice Initiative Praxis Group, April 2018 by Dan Tuft, Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
Listening by Karen DiGeorgio, Right Relations Committee
A Call to Faith in Turbulent Times by Kathy Frey
UUCWC’s Spring Auction – Get ready, it’s almost here!
UU FaithAction NJ Annual Plenary – April 21
Rev. Kim and Tara welcomed their second son, Malcolm Allistair Wildszewski on April 2. Rev. Kim is on parental leave and will return to the pulpit on April 29.
We ask that you respect Rev. Kim and Tara’s privacy at this time: please, no phone calls or stopping by. Marianne Alt, Board President, Susan Irgang, Office Administrator, Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern, the Pastoral Care Team and area Clergy are all available while Rev. Kim is out. Please check the church directory for contact information or reach out to the office at uucwc@uucwc.org.
My Introduction to OWL (Our Whole Lives)
Clare Doyle, OWL Teacher
My introduction to the OWL (Our Whole Lives) Program was in 1999 when my older son Mike took the course at the Unitarian Society of Ridgewood, in Ridgewood, New Jersey. I was blown away by the program presentation and the tools it provided for my son. OWL is based on the concept that, “Sexuality encompasses nearly every aspect of our being, from attitudes and values to feelings and experiences. It is influenced by the individual, family, culture, religion/spirituality, laws, professions, institutions, science and politics.” Read more…
Robin Pugh is on sabbatical. The members of the sabbatical team are Sonia Hardaway, Jenn Rehbein, Wendy Stasolla and Dan Tuft. They can all be reached at sabbatical@uucwc.org.
Singers and Instruments Are Instrumental in Sunday Services
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
Throughout my time at UUCWC as Director of Music Ministry, I’ve asked myself why it’s so hard to find instrumentalists who are willing to play for a worship service. How do we get members/friends of the congregation to use their instrumental talents? How can we remove the dust that covers the case of a once well-used trumpet or violin? I’ve reached out to find young musicians who play an instrument in their school or adults who may have played in the past. Often, the response is that they don’t want to play because they’re “not quite good enough to play in church.” Read more…

Notes of a Chaplain
Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
A few summers ago, I was working as a Chaplain at a Catholic hospital in Charleston South Carolina. We were all assigned floors of patients to check up on. The nun in charge of placing us took a while to discern where I should work but decided I should work in the building on campus devoted to cancer.
I spent the majority of my time in the dialysis clinic, a huge room that had about 20 over-sized beige armchairs, clustered in twos or threes. I was overwhelmed at first, how would I help establish a sense of privacy and care in a huge room with nurses, chemo, and blood hanging everywhere? Since I did not have a door to knock on, I decided my approach would be to ask if I might sit on their porch for a bit. They could let me know if they were up for visitors, and they did. Read more…
From your Board of Trustees
Marianne Alt, President
The 2017-2018 church year brings many opportunities for us to work toward the important board goal of Actively Celebrate Our Community: Look to the past, present and future to celebrate our community in all ways – big and small.
We are a community that has breadth and depth in our commitments – to each other, to the congregation, and to the greater community in which we move. We dive deep, we work diligently, we have the hard conversations, and we meet the challenges that life gives us with as much grace as possible. In this month of emergence, as we make space for the new and fragile shoots of life, we can also make space to celebrate the life that we have lovingly labored to create up until this point. Read more…

Update from the Racial Justice Initiative Praxis Group, April 2018
Dan Tuft, Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
2. Service and Solidarity. The congregation offers concrete support and service to resource movements for racial justice, allowing frontline communities to strategically channel their energy and resources into Leadership.
The above assessment point was the focus of our February 2018 Praxis Group meeting. This year UUCWC began supporting Black Lives Matter Trenton in their Books and Breakfast program through a quarterly donation of breakfast foods. We have also supported the donation of socks for refugee camps. The Praxis Group felt that UUCWC is just beginning to explore the implications of concretely supporting racial justice groups that are developing their own internal leadership. Read more…

Karen DiGeorgio, Right Relations Committee
The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. – Rachel Naomi Remen
Some of our most important work in Right Relations is to listen. We are here to listen to you, not just to hear you. While we listen to the “what happened” portion, we are also listening to what you have not said. We listen to how what you are telling us has made you feel and how the issue has affected you; we listen for intent – why do you think the issue has occurred?
We are present for you with open minds, knowing fully that each of us comes from different experiences and journeys that have taught us in different ways. Our focus is on you in a safe space and time. Be assured that what you say is highly confidential within the Right Relations Committee. Read more...
Thank you very much for your pledge to our Annual Stewardship Drive and Capital Campaign! We ask that if you haven’t made your pledge yet…please take a moment to contemplate what keeps you coming to UUCWC and how UUCWC enriches your life. Will you commit to being part of its legacy? Every single pledge is of vital importance!
Save the Dates
April 8 and 15, 12:30pm and April 22 during Middle Hour
Listening groups on adoption of the 8th Principle
April 8, 12:15pm
Imagine Co-Housing
April 8, 2:30pm
Concert featuring Erin Busch
April 14, 7:00pm
Cosmic Crossing Concert
April 15 – Rev. Rob Gregson of UUFaithAction NJ (formerly UULMNJ) will be in the pulpit, with info sessions after each service.
April 15, Middle Hour
Auction 101
April 15, Middle Hour
Capital Campaign Q&A
Capital Campaign Update
April 15, 12:30 – 2:30pm
Soul Matters Discussion
April 21, 9:00am
Grounds Committee work morning. Please rsvp by 4/15
April 22 & 29 – Silent Auction
April 30, 7:00pm
Book discussion: The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
May 5 – Live Auction
Registration is open for UUA’s General Assembly – June 20-24 in Kansas City, MO
UUCWC’s Spring Auction
Thanks to all the generous donors who have contributed wonderful meals, activities and items. There is something for everyone in this year’s auction! Pick up your auction book April 15. And check here for a sneak peak after April 11.
Silent Auction: April 22 & 29
Live event: May 5

A Call to Faith in Turbulent Times
Kathy Frey
Recently, I received an email from the Unitarian Universalist Association announcing the availability of a new curriculum. A Call to Faith in Turbulent Times certainly caught my eye. What are we living through if not “turbulent times”?
The UUA describes this course: “The actions of political leaders raise large moral questions that compel many of us to explore what our faith commitments and values require of us…. Read more
UU FaithAction NJ
Annual Plenary
Saturday, April 21
Hosted by The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick
The keynote speaker, Sam Daley-Harris, is an author and activist, the founder of RESULTS, national expert on citizen empowerment and political activism. Details here.
FaithAction’s Director, Rev. Rob Gregson will be in the pulpit at UUCWC on April 15!

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org