Welcome to CrossCurrents!
This monthly communication is intended to keep you informed about significant happenings and initiatives.
Your thoughts and comments are welcome – please forward them to communications@uucwc.org.
Rev. Kim Requests Meeting with Chief of Police
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
I have heard from a number of folks who are wondering where we are in regard to hanging, or having a discussion to hang, a Black Lives Matter banner. As the Council for Faith in Action, in coordination with the Right Relations Committee, moves forward to plan Listening Circles, so all members of UUCWC may be in conversation about the banner and our ongoing racial justice work before a formal vote occurs, I have also reached out to the Hopewell Township Police. With the help of the UU Legislative Ministry of NJ, and our own people resources within UUCWC, it is my hope that in the near future we will begin a dialogue and partnership around this work.
Here’s the letter I’ve recently sent to the Chief of Police. I will keep you all up posted as we move forward in these next steps. Read more here…

Children’s RE Classess for 2016-2017
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Welcome back to those families that I haven’t seen this summer. Our intergenerational water ingathering service is on September 11th. Please bring a small amount of water from your home or a place you visited this summer.
Religious education classes begin on September 18th. The RE Committee for Children and Youth (“RECCY”) and I have planned an exciting year for UUCWC’s children. Here is what each class will be studying: Read more here…
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education, can be reached at dre@uucwc.org.
From your Board of Trustees
Meet the New Members of the Board of Trustees
by Michael Dalzell, Secretary, UUCWC Board of Trustees
Noticed the new faces on the Board of Trustees’ bulletin board? At our 2016 Annual Meeting, the congregation elected four members of the church to fill the seats of outgoing trustees. Let’s get to know them! Read more…
Contact any member of the board, or board@uucwc.org with your comments, questions, and/or concerns.
Save the Date: Beloved Conversations is Coming!
This year’s racial justice initiative from ARE and the Council for Faith in Action is a curriculum called Beloved Conversations. It was developed by Dr. Mark Hicks of The Fahs Collaborative at Meadville Lombard Theological School, and is used by many UU congregations across the country. Facilitators from the Fahs Collaborative will lead the opening “retreat” (1.5 days) on November 18-19, 2016. It will be followed by eight, two-hour seminars meeting twice a month Dec- April. Registration and more information about the program will be available in September.
What is a Capital Campaign?
by Andrew Conrad, UUCWC Board of Trustees
On June 21, Joe Schenk, the chair of the Finance Committee, convened a meeting with Mr. Andrew Hamlin, an experienced development officer, who could advise us on how to go about getting a Capital Campaign launched here at UUCWC. Advised that a Capital Campaign was a wise step for our church to take, and by our own 5-year strategic plan, the finance committee contacted Mr. Hamlin to enlist his help in getting us started. Read more…
Water Communion
September 11
Join us for our annual celebration of the UUCWC Water Communion. Bring a small container of water from places that hold meaning for you, or water that symbolizes where you’re coming from or hoping to go this year.
Kirkridge 2016
Now is the time to Relax and Retreat at the Kirkridge Retreat, Oct. 14-16, 2016. Maybe you’d like some quiet time in the beautiful lodge; maybe it’s yoga, tai chi or meditation; maybe it’s a hike or walk along the Appalachian trail; maybe it’s making music; maybe it’s games with friends; or maybe it’s a visit to nearby Columcille or the Booknest. More info and registration.
An Evening Wtih
David Roth
Saturday, Sept 17, 7:30pm
David Roth – Poignant to improbable, holistic to hilarious, the Chicago native (now living on Cape Cod) comes to Titusville for the first time~ think James Taylor meets Jon Stewart. Join us for a roller coaster ride of song and story. www.davidrothmusic.com
Ticket info coming soon!
UULMNJ Issues Conference
Saturday, October 15
Special Guest Chris Crass
Cosmic Crossings
Save the date! The inaugural concert of a new concert series at UUCWC called Cosmic Crossings will be held on Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 7pm. Contact Nick Mellis and/or look for more infomation in September.
A Call to Audio Lovers
and Techies
The UUCWC Archives is looking for some help with converting our cassette audio tapes into a more modern electronic format. Are you a music lover who has converted your own music? Are you a techie who loves helping people out? We could use your skills to preserve history. Please contact Parker Cohen or Charlie Groth at archives@uucwc.org and we can move our collections into the modern age before they melt. Thank you!