Welcome to CrossCurrents!
This monthly communication is intended to keep you informed about significant happenings and initiatives.
Your thoughts and comments are welcome – please forward them to communications@uucwc.org. Or let us know if you would like to consider joining the Communications Committee!
A Word From Rev. Kim Regarding Our Banner
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
As many of you know, on Sunday, July 30, during service a handmade banner was placed next to our own. The “rebuttal” banner offered line by line alternatives to each of our UUCWC statements. It was not aggressive; it was thought out.
Below you can find a letter to the editor that I offered to address this anonymous act. The local police have also been contacted, as was their suggestion many months ago when exploring public witness such as this. Members of our Safety Team met recently and will continue to in order to ensure the safety of the congregation. Like everything else in our community, it takes all of us to be mindful of our surroundings for the manmade and natural acts that might require our attention and care. Read more…
Rev. Kim can be reached at minister@uucwc.org.
A Sabbatical for Robin
Guest column by Dan Tuft
Did you know that Robin Pugh has been leading our Religious Education program for 8 years?! Yes, this marks the beginning of her ninth year at UUCWC. She is the longest serving Director of Religious Education in UUCWC history. Because of that, it is an honor that we will have a unique opportunity while Robin has a time of sabbatical January 21 – May 21, 2018. Robin has demonstrated a tremendous commitment to our community and with all age levels each and every Sunday. Sabbatical leave is a common practice and is based on our mutual commitment with Robin and the RE program. Read more…
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education, can be reached at dre@uucwc.org. Please contact her to volunteer to help teach a children’s religious education class, or if you want more information about UUCWC’s Adult and Children’s Religious Education programs.
From your Board of Trustees
A Newcomer’s Perspective
Patrick Kahney, Board of Trustees
As a new member of the Board of Trustees I was asked to share my thoughts regarding my time on the board thus far. First, however, I would like to thank everyone in our congregation both past and present. When our family started coming here in 2008 we knew right away we had found the right place for us, and two more kids and nearly ten years later we remain thrilled with our decision to become a part of this community.
My first observation as a new board member is that we have an incredible community. We are a diverse community that is becoming more so all the time, and actively involved in making the world and ourselves better. Read more…
Racial Justice Initiative Update and a Racial Justice Praxis
Nathalie Edmond, co-chair, Racial Justice Initiative
The Racial Justice Initiative (RJI) hosted Dr. Ruha Benjamin on July 9, a professor at Princeton University, who spoke on The Beautiful Struggle. Her talk focused on racism as a system rather than individuals doing racist acts. She highlighted the importance of individuals having knowledge as well as courage to change the system and improve the lives of all individuals. She also highlighted that important self-reflection around racism can happen with few/no people of color in the room. Read more…

Capital Campaign Update – What’s Happening?
July was a busy month for the Strategic Vision Task Force (SVTF), as time has been spent collating all the input from congregational feedback regarding the visions of how to make our spiritual home even better. Since June, there have been five informational meetings, and participation was active and enlightening. Over 60 members have provided feedback and offered new ideas and suggestions to repair, improve and expand our church building and grounds to better meet our current and future needs. Proposed projects have received enthusiastic support and continue to be modified based on member suggestions. Proposals to date include: Read more…
Time to Register your child(ren) for 2017-18 Religious Education and childcare.
An overview of each class curriculum and the registration form are posted on the UUCWC website.
Questions? Contact Robin Pugh at dre@uucwc.org.
UU Legislative Ministry of NJ
Fall Issues Conference
Saturday, October 14
Hosted by UU Congregation of Monmouth County
Do you have any suggestions for New Jersey-area speakers on the environment or immigration? Contact Rev. Rob at execdir@uulmnj.org.
And please contact Nick Mellis or Lynne Quinto if you are interested in attending this event.
Coming of Age for Adults – or Coming into Connection
The Coming of Age (COA) curriculum helps youth: discern for themselves what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist, individually and as part of the larger faith community; act on personal beliefs and values; and recognize and honor the movement of a youth from childhood to adolescence within the UU tradition. We know this year of discernment, relationship-building, and spiritual practice is essential for our young people. Yet we don’t offer the same for our adults. We are excited to offer, for the first time, a pilot Coming of Age for Adults. Or, what we’re calling, Coming into Connection, beginning Sunday, Oct 8 thru mid January. Read more…
Calling All Readers! Racial Justice Book Club- September 11, 2017
The book selection is Evicted by Matthew Desmond– a book that informs the impact of our country’s inability to effectively address poverty that disproportionately impacts people of color. Read more…
UUCWC will be offering the 8-session class Beloved Conversations: Meditations on Race & Ethnicity starting in September. If you are considering taking Beloved Conversations, please contact Robin Pugh dre@uucwc.org.