What’s In Your Backpack
Recently I ended my sermon with an ask to each of you:
And so, I ask that in the days and months and year to come, you help me remember all the ways we must be, want to be, faithful. I ask that we keep one another accountable to the faith that too many – too many of us – believe is just community. I ask that we each bring our accountability, and our curiosity, too; to stretch ourselves outside of how we might normally name or practice our Unitarian Universalism; the Good News, the heart’s holding, that we are called to, saved by, and through which we can offer some saving grace every day.
May we show up. May we use our power and privilege for justice as much as mercy. And may we each have the time, companionship, and bravery to care for whatever depletion, meanness or grief we carry. Done together, and in the spirit of kinship as an act of faith, we just may save some portion of this great and beautiful world. Read more…
It’s Time to Register for Children’s RE
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
It’s time to register your child(ren) for our children’s religious education program. Please use our online registration form.
And consider teaching or assisting in an RE class! We need a few more non-RE parent adults to teach or assist in an RE class one Sunday per month this year. RE teaching lets you get to know our children and parents as well as learn more about Unitarian Universalism. Our need for non-RE parent adults has increased, as RE parents have taken on leadership roles at UUCWC. Thank you. Please contact Robin Pugh at dre@uucwc.org.
Choral Workshop – August 25
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
Rev. Jason Shelton (composer of Standing on the Side of Love and other pieces we sing) is presenting a choral workshop on August 25. Nine people from choir are going. I thought you might be interested too. Read more… |

Update from the Racial Justice Initiative Praxis Group – August 2018
Dan Tuft, Racial Justice Initiative
In this final installment of the updates from the Racial Justice Initiative (RJI) Praxis Group that ended after our June meeting, I am combining highlights of our May and June meetings below. Read through to the end of this article for what is happening next!
4. Financial Partnership & Fundraising
The congregation is self-aware about is financial resources and networks and is willing to leverage this power to channel money into movement building for racial justice beyond the congregation.
9. Worship, Ritual & Celebration
The congregation regularly expresses its commitment to building a racially just and loving world through communal workshop, embodied ritual and practices of joy and gratitude.
Read more…
UUCWC Takes Kansas City by Storm—General Assembly Reflections
Holly Bussey and Jim Sanders
It seems like only yesterday that approximately 3,000 UU’s descended on Kansas City, Missouri for the 57th Annual General Assembly. What is General Assembly? It’s a time when for about 5 days (or any portion thereof), you get to be with fellow UUs throughout the country AND the world! People who have the same mind set as you. It’s also an opportunity to share ideas, make new friends and see how our work locally has a national and international impact. Read more...
Summer Office Hours
10am – 2pm
Save the Dates
September 9
Sunday service: Water Communion
September 16
Two services resume, at 9am and 11am
September 16, 2:30pm
Racial Justice Book Group
September 17, 7pm
Church Council meeting, all are welcome to attend
October 13
Anti-racism workshop
Watch for details
November 10
Lay preaching workshop by UU FaithAction NJ (E Brunswick)
UUCWC Members Donate 34 Backpacks to HomeFront Back-to-School Project
Pam Wallace, Coordinator
This year members, groups and friends of the congregation donated a record number of backpacks, all stuffed with school uniforms and school supplies, to help 34 HomeFront kids start the school year off right and have a brighter, happier year at school.. Read more…

Fall Retreat at Kirkridge
October 19 – 21
What is it?
- At the Kirkridge Retreat Center in the Poconos
- Magic and majesty of the montain in its autumn splendor
- Time away to relax, renew, and make connections
- Workshops, worship, outdoor activities, shared meals
- Comfortable basic accommodations
- Cost of $180/person for the weekend or $45/person for a Saturday daytripper
More info and registration.
Or contact Bonnie Ruekgauer at kirkridge@uucwc.org.