Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at crosscurrents@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
My Top 10 Foundational Stories by Rev. Kim Wildszewski, Senior Minister
Coming in From the Cold by Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
Welcome Back – Children’s RE for 2019-2020 by Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Adult Learning Classes – Fall 2019 by Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Crossing Chorale Rehearsals Start August 29 by Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
Roles and Responsibilities by Dianne Ross and Sue Saddlemire, Trustees, Board of Trustees
Capital Campagn Project Update by Jayme Trott, Co-Chair
UUCWC Archives – We’ve Come a Long Way! by Parker Cohen, Archivist
The Practice of Welcoming by Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
Community Dinner to Benefit LALDEF
Backpack Project Recap
Airport and Train Transportation Service
Construction is underway on the bridge on Washington Crossing-Pennington Road (Route 546) over Jacobs Creek. Detour information.
My Top 10 Foundational Stories
Rev. Kim Wildszewski, Senior Minister
Throughout August we have explored the theme of Story together. During the two Sundays I was in the pulpit I offered you seven different stories for reflection and also shared this past week that there are just a few more that I consider “foundational” to our Unitarian Universalist faith.
Below is a list of my top ten right now. It is always changing and evolving but it’s true that these ten (or some version of them) I continue to return to again and again; they are not ordered in any particular hierarchy of importance or meaning.
Perhaps you have a story that has helped inform your spiritual practice of living as a Unitarian Universalist. If so, I would love to hear it and add to this growing resource.
And here’s an invitation: choose one of these ten stories to sit with for an entire week. Read it as you wake and maybe once again before the day is done. Consider how it has changed in meaning with each read or as you move throughout your days with it as a companion. Again, I would love to hear from you if you choose such a practice. Read more…
Coming in From the Cold
Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
The temperature was in the high 90s a good chunk of July. That’s when I started my first month at UUCWC, and yet my experience of formally joining this congregation as your Minister of Congregational Life, has me feeling as though I’ve come in from the cold. I have a new church home and it suits me well. Read more…
Welcome Back: Children’s RE for 2019-20
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Welcome back to those families that I haven’t seen this summer. Our intergenerational water ingathering service is on September 8. Please bring a small amount of water from your home or a place you visited this summer.
Our full Religious education program begins on September 15. Here is what each class will be studying. Read more…
Please register your child for religious education 2019-20 using our online form. Robin can be reached at dre@uucwc.org to answer any questions. |
Adult Learning Classes – Fall 2019
Robin Pugh, Director of LIfespan Religious Education
The Adult Learning Committee has been hard at work creating a great fall lineup of adult learning classes. Read more…
If you have suggestions for classes or are interested in being a facilitator, contact the Adult Learning Committee at ARE@uucwc.org.
For specific information about Fall adult learning classes, or to register, see Adult Learning Classes.

Crossing Chorale Rehearsals Start Aug. 29
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
The role of the Crossing Chorale is to sing choral music for our worship services…to create beautiful music; enhance the topic of the month and/or sermon; offer different genres and diverse cultural music; give the opportunity for listening, joy and reflection; and to support the singing of the entire congregation during a service. Another important part of our music ministry is to be caring and supportive of each other through this fellowship. Many friendships have begun, and been deepened and strengthened, by participating in UUCWC’s Music Ministry. Read more…
Roles and Responsibilities
Dianne Ross and Sue Saddlemire, Trustees, Board of Trustees
As members of your Board of Trustees, we again offer a warm welcome to Rev. Sue Goodwin as UUCWC’s Minister of Congregational Life! Since this is a new position, the Board would like to clarify Rev. Sue’s role and how it interfaces with Rev Kim’s role with the congregation. Read more…

Capital Campaign Project Update – August 2019
Jayme Trott, Co-Chair
Great news! The Hopewell Township Zoning Board has accepted our engineer’s calculations for coverage, increasing slightly the “footprint” we can build on. The next step will be to set up a meeting with the Delaware & Raritan Canal Commission for their review and approval. When we know what the acceptable impervious surface is, we can firm up design specifications with the architect. Then more detailed drawings with plumbing, electrical etc, and. then we will go to the township building department for approval. Once approved we will engage a contractor. We are hopeful that we will begin construction in the summer of 2020. Read more…
UUCWC Archives – We’ve Come a Long Way!
Parker Cohen, Archivist
Our UUCWC archives is vitally important to our church because we have such rich history. Started by Jane Shafer in the mid-1990s when she took over a second floor closet, the archives has expanded and become more organized over the years. Read more…
September 15
Two services resume
9:00 am and 11:00 am
Save the Date
September 8, after service
Annual Welcome Back Picnic
Please bring something to share: A-K: Salads or sides, L-P: Drinks, Q-Z: Desserts.
Details here.
September 21, 8pm
Cosmic Crossings concert. Doors open at 7pm, all proceeds benefit UUCWC.
September 28, 9:30-11:30am
Usher and Greeter training. Contact Rev. Sue for more info.
September 27-29
Murray Grove Homecoming
Universal Good: Social and Environmental Justice
Rev. Kim is the Sunday preacher. Download flyer.
October 5, 8pm
Cosmic Crossings concert. Doors open at 7pm, all proceeds benefit UUCWC.
October 6, after each service
Faith Forward resumes
October 16
Welcome Table Wednesday returns! Details to come.
October 19, 10am – 3:30pm
UU FaithAction NJ Fall Issues Conference (find Action Alerts and other info here)
October 19, 5pm – 9pm
Community dinner to benefit the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund. Watch for more details.
UUCWC Calendar
The Practice of Welcoming
Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
Sunday morning is a busy time around here. I have witnessed the whirlwind that is Sunday morning as a congregant, a guest preacher and as the newly hired Minister of Congregational Life. The excitement of gathering is infectious: we are glad to see one another! But a word of warning: Don’t sidetrack our Greeters! They are hard at work.
Being intentional about being welcoming is a practice that all of us can participate in. Becoming a welcoming congregation takes all of us. Read more… |
Community Dinner
Benefitting LALDEF
October 19, 5pm – 9pm
UUCWC’s Faith Action Ministry, in partnership with St James AME church, is hosting a community dinner to benefit the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund (LALDEF). If you are able to help or have questions contact FAM@UUCWC.org.
Record Number of Backpacks Delivered to HomeFront
Thank you to all who participated in the annual HomeFront Backpack Project. 43 backpacks were delivered to HomeFront – a new record! Those stuffed backpacks will help 43 kids start their school year off right. And a big thank you to Pam and Grant Wallace for organizing this project again this year.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org