Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at communications@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
Affirming Our Community at Year End by Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Unitarians’ Influence on How Americans Celebrate Christmas Today by Robin Pugh, DLRE
Musical Traditions by Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
UUCWC’s Gift for Community by Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
UCCWC Board of Trustees Goals for the 2017-2018 Church Year, by Marianne Alt, President, Board of Trustees
Update from the Racial Justice Initiative Praxis Group, December 2017 by Dan Tuft, Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
Communications and Safeguards for the Personal Information of Members by Michael Dalzell, Communications Ministry Team
Our Covenant of Right Relations by the Right Relations Committee
Unitarian Universalist Association’s Common Reads
UU Faith Action NJ – Legislative Priorities for 2017-2018
Calling Community Volunteers! Information Needed! by Sallie Dunner, Chair, Council for Faith in Action
Make a Year-End Gift to UUCWC
Affirming Our Community at Year End
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Last month I had the honor and privilege of preaching a sermon for my mentor’s retirement service. The sanctuary was packed. People stood. Children squirmed. The music (drums, piano, our voices together) rang out. I reflected on 34 years of ministry and as such, came home to you all not only inspired but proud to be in my fourth year with you; our 102nd year of ministry together.
The world has not allowed for a gentle or quiet ministry this last year especially, we all know that. And yet, here at UUCWC, relationships have been made through this time of unrest; hearts have broken open but are mending with a deeper and more urgent love; minds are still racing with an honest engagement with the world and noticeably within our own congregation.
It has changed us. It has required a more challenging but more faithful living. It has made clear what this tradition can provide – not just on one particular Sunday, but for a life.
Join me in looking back on this year. Be proud of where and how we’ve traveled this last century and I hope you, too, will be excited about all that is to come. And as such, I hope you will put UUCWC on your holiday list this season, too. Read more…
Rev. Kim can be reached at minister@uucwc.org.
Unitarians’ Influence on How Americans Celebrate Christmas Today
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
In the 1800s, the Unitarians were trendsetters. They were well educated, often wealthy, and had access to and control of popular publications. Christmas, the Unitarians believed, could be a holiday to promote their values of generosity and charity and social good. The following Unitarians were among those who created modern Christmas traditions, centering on children, gift exchange and charitable giving. Read more…
Robin can be reached at dre@uucwc.org.
Musical Traditions
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
In this crazy world we live in, isn’t it nice to have traditions and rituals that connect us to our past and/or can bring us into the future? And…the best thing is when we can enjoy and make new traditions of our own in the present.
Maybe you sang songs from a childhood tradition like Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, Happy Diwali, Jingle Bells, Samhain Night, Away in a Manger, O Kwanzaa or The Holly and the Ivy. As we develop traditions which reflect our Unitarian Universalist principles, what songs do UUs have for the holidays? Read more…

UUCWC’s Gift for Community
Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
As the year is coming to a close, I have been reflecting on the cultures of the spiritual communities I have engaged in. I have been in several Unitarian Universalists communities in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Indiana and a guest in Quaker tradition at Meetings and schools in Indiana and New Jersey. I’ve been an historic journeyer with the Lutheran background of my father’s side, and been engaged with several healing communities that do not claim a particular faith. Each one carries its own culture, ethos, preferences, habits and quirks...I would like to mention some of the beauty I have experienced thus far at UUCWC. Read more…

From you Board of Trustees
The UCCWC Board of Trustees Goals for the 2017-2018 Church Year
Marianne Chopp Alt, President, Board of Trustees
At its fall retreat in September, the board discussed our goals for the church year. It was a discussion that took longer than anticipated – a few months – as we sought to create a vision for the future by listening to what we were hearing from you, the congregation. We saw early on, thanks to the keen eye of Nathalie Edmond, that themes were coming to the surface.
- We want to be sure to take the time notice or observe what does and doesn’t work.
- We want to celebrate what makes us a strong community.
- We want to accept each other’s differences as strengths.
- We want to have the courage to change so all members can flourish.
The following table is the result of our discussion, work and reflection. As we move through the year together please feel free to respond to the goals with suggestions for additional activities that are in line with these goals or further contributions the board could make to meet them. Read more…

Update from the Racial Justice Initiative Praxis Group, December 2017
Dan Tuft, Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
The Praxis Group is a part of the overall Racial Justice Initiative and is taking this entire church year to assess/audit where UUCWC is currently in terms of living, or putting into practice our commitment to racial justice. Nine areas of focus are being examined, one each month until June 2018 with recommendations being shared with the Board throughout the process, especially when issues of urgency are identified.
After our organizing meeting in September, the Praxis Group’s October meeting focused on Sustainability, Resiliency, and Humility: Pastoral Care and Spiritual Formation for Activists. Basically, how are we as a community supporting those who are engaged in racial justice activities and what more could we be doing? Read more…

Communications and Safeguards for the Personal Information of Members
Michael D. Dalzell, Communications Ministry Team
Earlier this year, the Board of Trustees passed four policies originated by the Communications Ministry Team to provide common-sense privacy guidelines for UUCWC communications. Each is described below, and they are particularly important for anyone who posts information to UUCWC’s website or social media pages. Read more…
Please contact the Communications Committee with any questions at communications@uucwc.org.
Our Covenant of Right Relations
The Right Relations Committee
One aspect of a healthy congregation is having respectful ways in which we interact with one another. This responsibility is up to each of us by abiding by our Covenant of Right Relations. Read more…

Make a Year-End Gift to UUCWC
Our End of Year gift is an opportunity to once more, with intention, thanksgiving, and promise for our tomorrow, financially affirm our community. Read Rev. Kim’s letter here.
Are You Shopping on Amazon this Holiday Season?
Click on the link here and scroll down to the Amazon logo. Click there to access Amazon and UUCWC will receive a percentage of your purchase at no additional cost to you.
UU FaithAction NJ
Legislative Priorities
for 2017-2018
Here is a list of legislative priorities for 2017-2018 for UU FaithAction NJ’s task forces. This list was generated at the annual Fall Issues Conference. (As a reminder, the UU Legislative Ministry of NJ recently changed their name to UU FaithAction NJ).
Unitarian Universalist Association
Common Read 2017-2018
The UUA has selected two books for this year’s common read: Centering: Navigating Race, Authenticity, and Power in Ministry, edited by Mitra Rahnema and Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want, by Frances Moore Lappé and Adam Eichen. More info, including discussion guides, here.
Calling Community Volunteers! Information Needed!
Sallie Dunner, Chair, Council for Faith in Action
The living tradition of Unitarian Universalism calls some of us to participate or volunteer in local community organizations and causes outside of church. UUCWC has a long tradition of members giving their time and talents to community and service organizations and there are others who would like to do so but aren’t quite sure what would be the best fit for what they can offer. Read more…

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org