Holiday Season Service Schedule
Join Rev. Kim Wildszewski and the UUCWC community at our holiday services:
Dec. 19, 7:30pm – Blue Christmas
Dec. 23, 9:00am – The Longest Night
Dec. 23, 11:00am – Born in Bethlehem: A Christmas Pageant
Dec. 24, 8:00pm – A Messiah Was Born
Dec. 30, 10:00am – Annual Generations Service (one service)
More details here…
Youth Group Trip
Scott Umlauf, RE Teacher (Coming of Age)
The weekend before Thanksgiving a team of Youth Group and Coming of Age students embarked on a trip to New York City for a Youth Service project on homelessness and food insecurity. Leaving by train on Friday afternoon, the group, with two chaperones in tow, navigated the subway and an outdoor market and arrived at the Friends Meeting House in Manhattan, the base of operations for the weekend. Read more…
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religioud Education, can be reached at

Happy Holidays from the Crossings Chorale!
Being Myself at Welcome Table Wednesdays
Hannah Gallo, Ministerial Intern
I entered the Crossings Room on Wednesday, November 28 at 6:30pm to hear a cacophony – screams of joy from Wesley Snyder, uproarious laughter from Elliott Dunner, and lots of chatter from Mary and Linda. The hall was alive and I remarked to a table, “You all really like to get together on Wednesday nights once a month!” It appears that Welcome Table Wednesdays are here to stay: two months in a row with nearly 100 people in attendance. This evening of alternative worship has been life-giving for me and I wanted to share a few reasons for why I feel so deeply grateful for the opportunity to provide the space and your enthusiasm for bringing it to life.. Read more…
Please join us at the next Welcome Table Wednesday on December 19 at7:00pm. Childcare is available if you contact Robin Pugh at by December 17.
From your Board of Trustees
Developing the Board Goals for 2018-2019
Marianne Alt, President
Each year the UUCWC Board of Trustees meets at a fall retreat in fellowship, deepening our understanding of our board duties and setting the goals for the year. This year, we began the process at the retreat by examining what kind of board we are (strategic) and how we think about the problems we grapple with. We reviewed a list we’d made of what we, as a congregation, do well (it’s a great list if anyone wants to see it) and our five goals from last year. We were able to come up with four general topics for goals for the 2018-19 church year and some of the things that the board could do to meet them. Read more…
First Recipient of a Roland Rahn Memorial Fund Scholarship
UUCWC’s Food Ministry
As a loving tribute to our dear Rollie when he passed away, many folks made donations to the church in his honor. Rollie was a great cook with a passion for food…as well as a strong commitment to HomeFront. Rollie’s family made the decision that the memorial funds should be used for scholarships to assist people connected with HomeFront who wished to pursue a career in culinary arts. The Food Ministry is pleased to announce the first recipient of the Scholarship Fund. Read more... |
Creating Covenants
Clare O’Brien Doyle, Right Relations Committee
“The purpose of the Right Relations Committee is to help restore harmonious relationships.”
Each year the Right Relations Committee (RRC) welcomes two new members who will serve for three years. Bud Johnson and I recently joined Karen DiGeorgio, Chris Marietti, Ben Thornton and Susan Colket as part of the RRC. Because the Right Relations Committee runs mostly in the background of the congregation, our goal is to become a more visible presence in UUCWC life. Read more…