Welcome to CrossCurrents!
This monthly communication is intended to keep you informed about significant happenings and initiatives.
Your thoughts and comments are welcome – please forward them to communications@uucwc.org.
Commit to Community, Live from Faith, and Serve – You Are Invited!
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
A few weeks ago I preached on “The State of the State” – or, The State of the Congregation, really. I shared how in just two and a half years we’ve welcomed 61 new members to the congregation; in the last five years, a total of 88. That means that one third of the congregation joined since our longest serving minister retired; one third of the congregation is still learning the history, story, and the possibility of UUCWC. With the growth we have seen, (and not just in numbers, but growth in participation from long term and new members), we are also in need of new – or more – leaders in certain areas of the congregation. Read more...
Four Times In a Day for Faith-Building Opportunities
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
How do parents and caregivers raise a UU child? By talking to their children about being a Unitarian Universalist and modeling UU values. The Religious Education program at UUCWC teaches children UU values and traditions, but children learn and internalize their concepts of faith, morality, responsibility, and justice from their parents.
I’d like to help our UUCWC families be comfortable about integrating Unitarian Universalism in to their home life. One idea for parents that I’d like to focus on this month comes from the Think Orange series. The book pinpoints four times during an average parent’s day that are great faith-building opportunities for children. Read more…
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education, can be reached at dre@uucwc.org. Please contact her to volunteer to help teach a children’s religious education class, or if you want more information about UUCWC’s Adult and Children’s Religious Education programs.

Strategic Vision Task Force Formed
Jayme Trott, Chair, Strategic Vision Task Force
UUCWC has entered our second centennial… now what?? We have experienced significant growth in the last couple of years, not just in numbers, but in levels of commitment, enthusiasm and love. How do we keep the momentum going? What can we do to Create Community, Celebrate Life, and Change the World? It is essential that our members participate fully in this visioning work. Read more…
General Assembly 2017- New Orleans
Holly Bussey, Chair, Denominational Affairs
The BIG EASY is coming! For one week in June, New Orleans (NOLA), the city of Second Chances, will host our Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly. The General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through the democratic process. Anyone may attend; congregations must certify annually to send voting delegates. This is a very important year as we (YOU reps who attend) will vote on a new president of our Association.. Read more…
Racial Justice Book Group Update
Michele Ruopp
The Racial Justice Book Group held its first of four meetings on Monday, February 13, focusing on The Third Reconstruction: How a Moral Movement is Overcoming the Politics of Division and Fear. Read more…
The Endowment Committee is pleased to announce that earnings in 2016 were sufficient to allow for a limited amount of grant funding. The deadline for applications is Sunday, March 19th, noon. Application info and form here.
UUCWC Spring Auction
We are on our way to fun and fundraising! Auction info and a contribution form are on the UUCWC website. Learn more about the auction, get ideas for contributions and more.
Silent Auctions: April 23 & 30
Live event: May 6
Council for Faith in Action Used Cell Phone Collection for Womanspace. Phones can be put in the basket in the lobby. Any questions, please contact Nick Mellis.