Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at communications@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
Yes, There is a Plan by Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Crossing Paths by Andrea Kalb, Children’s Religious Education Teacher
Choirs Bring a ‘Heart Connection’ – Part One by Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
Curiosity Has Not Killed This Cat by Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
How Decisions are Made at UUCWC, by Pete Rafle, Vide President, Board of Trustees
Update from the Racial Justice Initiative Praxis Group by Dan Tuft, Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
The ARE Path at UUCWC – Winter/Spring 2018 by Susan Colket, Chair, Adult Religious Education
UUs Unite – General Assembly is Coming! by Holly Bussey, Chair, Denominational Affairs
Call for Endowment Grant Applications by the Ednowment Committee
The Appropriate Use of Social Media by Chris Lynch, Right Relations Committee
Volunteers Needed for a Grounds Spring Cleaning by Steve Saddlemire, Co-Chair, Grounds Committee
Little Changes Can Make a Difference by Susan Irgang, Administrator and Facilities Management Team Leader
Yes, There is a Plan
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Because I am a religious professional, I can typically recite Sunday dates for at least three months in advance. Living by the week makes time go quickly. If it’s September that means I’m late to plan Hanging of the Greens, to getting Caryl my theme for Christmas Eve, to setting up the new year Staff Retreat schedule. If it’s July, there are only weeks (weeks!) to Flower Communion in September, to thinking about the End of Year gift… You get the picture.
It’s been a double whammy this church year as each Sunday that passes also marks another week closer to our second child’s birth. There is hope and curiosity, a healthy dose of fear, and also trust as the weeks go by. I sense some of that in some of you, too, as you hear how close we are to the due date. As a reminder, the baby is due on March 28. And yes, there is a plan. Read more…
Rev. Kim can be reached at minister@uucwc.org.
Crossing Paths
Andrea Kalb, Children’s Religious Education Teacher
How do we as Unitarian Universalists address the problem of separation from each other? How do Jewish people address the problem of exile? And how do Christians of all denominations address the problem of sin? Ask one of our current 6th- or 7th-graders taking part in this year’s Crossing Paths Children’s Religious Education class and they might be able to give you an answer. Read more…
During Robin’s sabbatical, members of the sabbatical team – Sonia Hardaway, Jenn Rehbein, Wendy Stasolla and Dan Tuft – can be reached at sabbatical@uucwc.org.
Choirs Bring a ‘Heart Connection’ – Part One
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
Have you noticed a new addition to Crossings II in the Order of Service, ”Our Music Today”? Inspired by the work being done through Beloved Conversations and the Racial Justice Initiative Praxis Group, I wanted to provide the congregation with information about the music chosen for services, the reasons why it is chosen and the background and diversity of composers, lyricists and musicians. Read more…
Caryl can be reached at music@uucwc.org.

Curiosity Hasn’t Killed This Cat
Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
Thinking about living the UU theology, one of the pieces of being a part of the living tradition is the encouragement to have a questioning heart. The fifth principle supports that All Voices Matter, and dissent is a healthy part of community, while in our fourth Principle, we are all encouraged in a free and responsible search for meaning in our lives. I am thankful that my UU mother and congregational community growing up taught me the power of questioning. Read more…
Sue can be reached at intern@uucwc.org. |
From your Board of Trustees
How Decisions are Made at UUCWC
Pete Rafle, Vice President, Board of Trustees
It has come to our attention that the working of the UUCWC Board of Trustees is something of a mystery to many of our members. Our community has steadily grown in the past three years so this is a good time to explain to members, both new and old, how the decision making process actually works. The “system” of governance used at UUCWC is known as Policy Based Governance. Read more…
You can contact the board at board@uucwc.org. |

Update from the Racial Justice Initiative Praxis Group, February 2018
Dan Tuft, Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
5. Theological Reflection. The congregation sees racial justice work as a natural expression their tradition’s values and beliefs, can articulate a theology of racial justice, and are able to evaluate issues and actions through the lens of their faith.
The above assessment point was the focus of our December 2017 Praxis Group meeting and it gives me the opportunity to remind all of us of an important point. Read more…
The ARE Path at UUCWC – Winter/Spring 2018
by Susan Colket
Our adult religious education (ARE) programs are a natural way to navigate our lives as Unitarian Universalists. At the final session of the first Coming Into Connection program last month, Steve Saddlemire, captured this as he shared his experience as a CIC participant, “You come to church when you are new and you really don’t know a lot about UU-ism. You like the services, the people are nice but it takes effort to find your path. You are not given rules on how to do this. It’s not easy. This is a path. This is a journey.” This winter and spring, ARE offers four programs for our journey. Read more…
Save the Dates
February 11, Middle Hour
One-act play: Bus Stop
February 11, 3:00pm
Chelsea Reed and the Fair Weather Five swing and blues concert. Come at 2:00pm for a swing dance lesson sponsored by the Community Building Ministry!
February 17, 9:30am
Workshop: What White People Can Do About Racism
February 17, 7pm
Cosmic Crossings Movie Night
February 18, 12:30pm
ARE¹s Soul Matters Discussion Group
February 18, 1:00pm
From UU FaithAction NJ: “Know Her Truths” a panel discussion about life in prison for women in NJ. Hosted by UU Congregation of Monmouth Co. Details and registration info.
February 23, 6:30pm
Racial Justice Iniative Film Night
February 25, 12:00pm
2nd Annual Chili Cook-off
February 25, 12:30pm ARE¹s Coming Into Connection begins (registration deadline is Feb. 21)
March 4, 12:30pm
White Supremacy Teach-In
March 7, 1:00pm
ARE¹s Genesis Study begins
March 10, 2:00pm
UUCWC hosts UU FaithAction NJ’s 4th Annual MUUsic Fest
Racial Justice Initiative Calendar
UUs Unite: General Assembly is Coming!
by Holly Bussey, Chair, Denominational Affiars
Genral Assembly is four days when UUs from all over gather. It’s an opportunity to learn, to open your hearts, to worship. This year’s GA is June 20-24. Read more…
The Endowment Committee is pleased to announce that earnings in 2017 were sufficient to allow for a limited amount of grant funding. Application deadline is March 11. Details here.
Appropriate Use of Social Media
by Christine Lynch, Right Relations Committee
“I wish I could take that back!”
Have you ever had that thought moments after you hit send on a social media site? Read more…
With sunny, warm weather right around the corner it’s time to start thinking about a GROUNDS SPRING CLEANING! Volunteers are needed. Read more…
Have you Noticed? Little Things Can Make a Difference!
Susan Irgang, Administrator and Facilities Management Team Leader
While big changes to UUCWC’s facilities understandably get the most attention, often it’s the little things that go unnoticed that can make a difference. See if you noticed these small improvements at UUCWC. Read more… |

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org