Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at crosscurrents@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
A Quieting and Focusing of the Spirit by Rev. Kim Wildszewski
A Perspective on Music and Cultural Misappropriation by Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
Becoming a UU Minister by Hannah Gallo, Ministerial Resident
Heart of the Matter: 2019-2020 Stewardship Campaign Kick-off Feb 24 by Lori Hoppmann
Capital Campaign/Project Update by Jayme Trott, Co-Chair
Trusting Each Other; Hearing Each Other by Mary McKillip, Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
Cultivating Food – And Community Connections, by Julie Marlier, Earth Ministry
You Are Among the Leaders of UUCWC by UUCWC Nominating Committee
UUWC Spring Auction – Success Starts With Your Contributions by Marcia Wittmann, Auction Committee
Help Wanted – Webmaster, Tech Leader
Airport and Train Transportation Service
A Quieting and Focusing of the Spirit
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
One of the things I love most about this congregation is how much you like one another. Over 30% of you report attending worship services four (or all) Sundays a month. More than 60% said you come three times or more a month. And still, on Sundays, when the lobby fills it is like you haven’t seen each other in a season! ….My friends, I love that you are joyous and that you love one another. And I ask that you be mindful of the bell ringing in the lobby – your five-minute heads up that we are about to begin – and to use that sound as a second entryway for your own spirit; a time to end your conversations, lower your voices, and begin to move across that threshold that is the lobby-sanctuary doors. Read more…

Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Have a question about Children’s Religious Education or UUCWC’s Adult Learning classes? Or are you interested in teaching a class? Robin can be reached at dre@uucwc.org. And if you missed it last month, check out Robin’s article on UU summer camps and conferences.

A Perspective on Music and Cultural Misappropriation
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
This month, and next, I’d like to offer this perspective on Music and Cultural Misappropriation from Rev. Jason Shelton. In April, I will share some of my own thoughts and perspective.
A Perspective on Music and Cultural Misappropriation
Racial Justice & Multicultural Ministries – PART ONE
By the Reverend Jason Shelton (reprinted with permission)
The question of cultural appropriation (sometimes called misappropriation) is a hot topic among ministers and other worship leaders in our time…. As our congregations have begun moving into new musical directions in recent years, the question of cultural appropriation seems to be taking on a new shape. Namely, should people be making use of musical traditions which have a cultural heritage other than that of the musicians (or congregations) involved? It is a question that needs to be addressed carefully… Read more…
Becoming a UU Minister
Hannah Gallo, Ministerial Resident
Many of you were present for my Question Box sermon, where I briefly explained that I’ll be seeing the Ministerial Fellowship Committee at the end of March. But I figured that for those who weren’t there, it might be interesting to hear more about this process of becoming a professional minister in the UU faith. Read more…
Heart of the Matter: 2019-2020 Stewardship Campaign Kicks Off February 24!
Lori Hoppmann, Stewardship Chair
It’s hard to believe it’s almost Stewardship time! Our Stewardship theme this year is Heart of the Matter, and we hope that you will look deeply into your hearts to discern what UUCWC means to you and how it has impacted your life and your family’s lives. UUCWC is an incredible place and we need to keep pace by having healthy staffing, culture, and support systems for our growing and vibrant congregation. You will hear more about the exciting things planned in the weeks to come. Read more…
Capital Campaign/Project Update
Jayme Trott, Co-Chair
The Capital Campaign Steering Committee reviewed preliminary architectural drawings at our meeting in January. These include plans for expanded classroom, office, and storage space, kitchen renovations, and an elevator. There are three main constraints that limit our expansion. The first is a strict limit on the percentage of our property that may be covered by impervious surface. Second, certain interior dimensions cannot be exceeded due to code restrictions. Finally, we are limited by budget. Read more…
There will be an informational session during Middle Hour on March 3.
Capital Campaign Fast Facts

Trusting Each Other; Hearing Each Other
Mary McKillip, Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
Members of our church watched the January 30th Black Lives UU panel discussion Whose Faith is it Anyway?, some as a group at the church, some cozy at home on their own. We hope to continue to have discussions of this panel over the next month – it is brilliant, thought-provoking, challenging, uplifting. I encourage all UUCWC members to watch it and pay attention to your reactions, positive and negative. It is an honor to be invited in to this conversation, and important for us to gather all the insight we can from it, about, ourselves, our congregation, and our faith. Here are some quotes from the panelists, to hopefully convince you to take a listen. Plus upcoming ways you can get involved and support racial justice. Read more…

Cultivating Food – And Community Connections
by Julie Marlier, Earth Ministty
Maybe you’ve heard about the amazing carrot fest at Allie’s Garden this past fall. Al Johnson, Earth Ministry co-chair and organic farming professional, led the 5th and 6th grade children’s religious education classes in a remarkable 57-pound harvest. Al, with help from other Earth Ministry members, keeps the garden going each year, and its bounty provides vegetables for Food Ministry and HomeFront meals. Read more…
Save the Dates
February 16, 8pm
Cosmic Crossings – Movie Night
February 16, 8pm
Love Notes – UU Princeton
February 17, Middle Hour
Spring Auction Q&A
February 20, 6pm
Welcome Table Wednesday
February 24
Stewardship Sunday
February 26, 7pm
Church Council (open to all)
February 27, 7:30pm
Personnel Committee Listening Circle
March 3, Middle Hour
Capital Campaign Info Session
March 7, 1pm
Personnel Committee Listening Circle
March 9, 2pm
5th Annual MUUsic Fest
March 10, Middle Hour
Bylaws Listening Circle
March 10, after each service
Personnel Committee Listening Circle
March 17, Middle Hour
Spring Auction Q&A
March 17, 12:30pm
Bylaws Listening Circle
March 23, 5pm
UUCWC Talent Showcase
Acts and volunteers wanted! Sign up now!
March 24, after each service
Earth Ministry Used Book Sale
March 24
Deadline for submission of Auction donations
March 29 and 30
Loaves and Fishes
You are Among
the Leaders of UUCWC
from UUCWC’s Nominating Committee
Consider joining us in leading our church community next year and have an impact. The following positions (terms start July 1) have openings that match your interest and passion. Read more…
2019 UUCWC Spring Auction — Success starts with your contributions!
Our popular Spring Auction, UUCWC’s biggest fundraiser (and fun-raiser) of the year, accounts for 10% of our operating budget – an ambitious goal to be sure. Last year, because of the generous contributions of our members and friends, we not only met, but exceeded, our financial commitment. And now you can contribute toward this year’s auction to ensure its success. Read more…


Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org