The UUCWC church building will be closed until further notice;
essential staff and Sunday service leaders only.

Although the church building is closed, we are still doing church, continuing to seek to Create Community, Celebrate Life, Change the World. Staff are working from home but are keeping a watchful eye on our building and grounds to ensure that everything will be in good condition for our return. The Board has approved these requirements for use of the church grounds.

Welcome to CrossCurrents!  Your comments are welcome at

In this issue:

A Unique Time to Serve, by Rev. Kim Wildszewski

What Do Visitors Need?, by Robin Pugh, Director, Lifespan Faith Engagement

Dreaming of A Post-Pandemic UUCWC, by Michael Waas, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

Mid-Year Financial Update, by Mary Baltycki, Chair, Finance Committee

2022 Pledge Campaign Has Begun, by Joan McCloughan, Stewardship Committee

Allie’s Garden In The Time of COVID-19, by Al Johnson, Earth Ministry

UUCWC Continues To Be Generous, by Steve Saddlemire, Faith Expression & Funding Team, CFA

Annual Endowment Process to Begin, by Meghan Horn, Co-Chair, Endowment Committee

UU Faith Action NJ Gala, by Lynne Quinto & Elaine Nigam, Co-chairs, UU Justice Gala Planning Comm.

UUCWC Food Ministry Mission Continues, by Mike Muccioli, Food Ministry Team

Loaves and Fishes 2021, by Ed & Ronnie Dobrowolski, Social Action Ministry

A Unique Time To Serve

Rev. Kim Wildszewski

Each spring the Staff and Nominating Committee come to you excited and hopeful about what new leadership might be discovered in the inevitable turnover of committee and ministry positions. We know that congregational life not only requires all of us but invites each of us into new ways of caretaking and personal growth. It is a reciprocal exchange, stewardship by service.

This year is in many ways like all other years, in that we will soon be hopeful that you – yes you! – will take on some new-to-you role at UUCWC. But of course, this year is not like any other year, as we try to do congregational life in these pandemic times; virtually, socially distanced; and knowing that all these forced changes will lead to choiceful changes, too. We are, in the midst of normalcy, reimaging church.

And so, one such way I am asking us to reimagine church right now is by throwing out the fiscal year’s timeline when it comes to service. Read more…

What Do Visitors Need?

Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Faith Engagement

This church year, I’ve taken on some of the responsibilities of the Congregational Life staff position because we are not having our usual children’s program at church. (Our children continue to learn. During the pandemic, Kim and I are assisting parents in their role as “resident theologians” by providing monthly tools for bringing Unitarian universalism into daily life in the home. Junior youth group and High School Owl meet virtually.)

My main focus in congregational life has been on our visitors and frequent attendees. How do I help them get to know Unitarian Universalism and UUCWC when we are virtual? Unlike other churches, UUCWC has a steady stream of visitors from all over the United States on Sundays. We’ve had 139 people visit us since August. But how do we make them feel welcome? Read more…

Dreaming of A Post-Pandemic UUCWC

Michael Waas, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees held a winter retreat on January 9th. As with the fall retreat, this was an opportunity to explore how the board can support the ongoing work of the congregation, as outlined in the Board of Trustees 2020-2021 goals, by embracing the Simple Church philosophy, continuing to develop and promote connection, and considering the long term needs and plans of the congregation.

We also spent our time together that morning dreaming about what might be, contemplating where we are headed, and discussing how best to ensure the continued vitality of this very special community as we look at the (hopefully) post-pandemic era. Read more…

Mid-Year Financial Update

Mary Baltycki, Chair, Finance Committee

It is with a great deal of pleasure that the Finance Committee presents a financial summary for the first six months of our fiscal year. We have closed out the calendar year in a very strong financial position thanks to the extraordinary success of the Holiday House End of Year Campaign bringing in over $25,000, the proceeds from the virtual Craft Fair and Bake Sale approaching $1,000 and the ongoing support of our community members through their pledge payments.  Read more…

2022 Pledge Campaign Has Begun

Joan McCloughan, for the Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee is pleased to announce the 2021-2022 UUCWC Pledge Campaign which began on Sunday, January 31 and will continue through March. Our Stewardship theme this year focuses on our mission, Create Community, Celebrate Life, Change the World! 

The Pledge Campaign materials have been mailed to all members. The materials include a letter, an informational brochure explaining how pledge monies are allocated to support UUCWC and a personalized pledge letter showing your current fiscal year pledge for which is in effect through June 30, 2021. The 2021/2022 pledge you designate in this campaign becomes effective July 1, 2021. Read more…

Capital Campaign Update

Jayme Trott, Co-Chair, Capital Campaign

The Capital Project Steering Committee received bids from four contractors ranging from $1.5 million to $1.8 million, not including the trellis. We are investigating different scenarios with the engineers, architect, and contractors to alter the design to fit within a $1.2 million budget.

We are also working with finance to understand our options for additional funding. We raised $1,114,565 in Capital Campaign pledges so far, and have spent $239,374 on parking, permits, fees, and architectural / engineering services. Read more…

Allie’s Garden In The Time of  COVID-19
Al Johnson, Co-Chair, Earth Ministry

Allie’s Organic Garden at UUCWC was alive and well in 2020. Earth Ministry started the garden in 2012 to provide fresh produce for the Monday Tutoring and Wacky Wednesday meals provided for the HomeFront Children and for Food Ministry meals.

The garden has evolved over the years. We started with a mish mash of whatever seeds were available but for the last five years, we have concentrated on blocks of 5 crops that fit the following criteria:  Read more…

UUCWC Continues To Be Generous

Steve Saddlemire, Faith Expression and Funding Team of the Council for Faith and Action

Last Spring when everyone became aware of the “Coronavirus thing”, the expectation was that by mid-summer it would all be over. Summer turned into fall and now as we enter a new year, we are battling the worst surge of this pandemic. While we all see the light at the end of the long tunnel, the reality is that people are suffering even more and will continue to do so. Along with the health consequences of the pandemic, unemployment and food insecurity has exploded and continues to have the greatest impact on our regional population. Read more….

UUCWC Food Ministry Mission Continues

Mike Muccioli, Food Ministry Team

Providing food related assistance to our community is our mission. How the Food Ministry completes this mission is the challenge. The past ten months have proved to be trying times for everyone. Your Food Ministry is no exception.

The Challenge
Without access to our church and unable to use the kitchen to provide the usual hot meals, we have adapted. We have donned our masks, set distance standards and assembled meal bags outside, determined to continue to fulfill our mission of providing food related assistance to our community. 
 Read more…

Important Reminders:

Information on joining the virtual services will be emailed to you the day prior to the service.

UUCWC Council Meeting:  February 24th at 7 pm.  Contact the office for Zoom link.

Spring Auction:  May 1-8, online

Annual Endowment Grant Process to Begin

The Endowment Committee is happy to announce that our annual grant application process will begin again in February. Please be on the lookout for an application link and application due dates in upcoming communications.

Endowment Grants are used to benefit UUCWC and support at least one of the 8 UU Principles. The projects must begin during the 2021-2022 church year. Examples of one-time projects that could be considered for funding include, but are not limited to, such activities as sending a committee member to a relevant training seminar, purchasing special equipment (not replacement), or hiring a speaker.

We look forward to beginning the application process soon!

-The Endowment Committee

Announcing the UU FaithAction NJ (UUFANJ) Gala 2021

Friday, March 5, 2021,

7 to 8:30 PM

UU FaithAction NJ’s (UUFANJ) UU Justice Gala 2021 will be our fun annual fundraiser. We started out expecting to hold a gala dinner in Princeton, expanding on the first gala held in Summit. With the pandemic, we have shifted to a virtual event that will be presented via Zoom on Friday, March 5, from 7:00 – 8:30pm. Racial Justice has been chosen as the theme to highlight the overarching goal of the dismantling racism work across all our Task Forces. Read more…

Loaves and Fishes 2021

The Social Action Ministry is coordinating with the Princeton Congregation to reinvent Loaves and Fishes in the age of COVID-19.

Last year, two weeks into the lockdown, we were able to provide 300 nutritious meals through some last-minute arrangements and your help with dozens of brownies. Read more…

Read UU World, the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing

268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ  08560

609-737-0515  |  |