Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at communications@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
What We Can Accomplish Working Together by Rev. Kim Wildszewski
What I’m Doing by Robin Pugh, DLRE
Auld Lang Syne: Sing Your Own Special Song by Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
The Winter Commute by Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
UCCWC Board of Trustees: The 8th Principle, by Nathalie Edmond, Board of Trustees and Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
Update from the Racial Justice Initiative Praxis Group, January 2018 by Dan Tuft, Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
UUCWC Safety Team Update by Ronnie Dobrowolski, Chair
Mid-Year Financial Update by Joe Schenk, Chair, Finance Committee
Reflections on Reflections by Bonnie Ruekgauer
UU FaithAction NJ Conference – Feb. 4
What We Can Accomplish Working Together
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
This past fall the staff met for our annual planning retreat. It was different than in years past: we were welcoming our first Intern, Sue Flynn, as well as our new Office Assistant, Rachel Hansen. We met in room 201 while many gathered in the sanctuary; it was the morning after Andrew Conrad had passed. Everything felt different, more weighty; there were reminders everywhere of the importance of this community and all it already is.
It was in that space that after a day of conversations and reflection we set a theme for this year: to create connection and transparency for the sake of community building, leadership development, investment in church life especially in a year of unpracticed transitions (Robin’s sabbatical, my maternity leave, welcoming an Intern and then having to say goodbye to her), and of course the Capital Campaign conversations that we excitedly anticipated.
When we met just a few weeks ago to come together again, take a deep breath, and wonder if we had moved forward anything we aimed for, we were rather surprised at all this community had taken on – and taken on in line with our intended goals – in just a few short months. I want to celebrate some of that here. Read more…
Rev. Kim can be reached at minister@uucwc.org.
What I’m Doing
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
This is my last newsletter column before I start my 4-month sabbatical on January 22nd. I’d like to take this time to answer questions about what is happening during my time away and to share my goals and plans with you. Read more…
The members of the sabbatical team are Sonia Hardaway, Jenn Rehbein, Wendy Stasolla and Dan Tuft. They can all be reached at sabbatical@uucwc.org.
Auld Lang Syne: Sing Your Own Special Song
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
The Scottish poem Auld Lang Syne was not written by Robert Burns as many believe. He stated that he was only the first to write it down on paper. It translates to “old long since” and means “times gone by” and at the end of each year we find ourselves singing the song while drinking champagne and finding someone to kiss. Read more…

The Winter Commute
Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
In the winter season, I always delight in the joy of appreciating the contrasts of light, temperature, and seasonal changes in the landscape. My commute to and from work has become an unusual practice of being in the moment, which has allowed for gratitude, awe, delight, and pause to accompany me on my travels. Read more…
From your Board of Trustees
The 8th Principle
Nathalie Edmond, Board of Trustees and Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
I am writing this article from my multiple identities, values and commitments. Some of my identities – I am a UU, person of color, mother of bi-racial children, steering committee member of local chapter of Campaign to End the New Jim Crow, UUCWC board member, and co-chair of the Racial Justice Initiative. I have been exploring UU history in relationship to its commitment to racial justice. Read more…
There will be a variety of opportunities in the coming months to learn more about the 8th principle as well as discuss whether we should proceed with adopting this principle.

Update from the Racial Justice Initiative Praxis Group, January 2018
Dan Tuft, Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
Our November 2017 Praxis Group meeting focused on Public Witness and Prophetic Voice. Basically, how are we as a community demonstrating our commitment to act to dismantle racial injustice as an integral part of our UU values? The group was very interested and had a lively and passionate discussion on the proposed 8th Principle and recommended that the Board and UUCWC support its adoption at our June Congregational Meeting! To continue in our efforts to develop the lens of racial justice as a norm in our community, we put forth the following opportunities for learning and reflection leading to action during the winter months. Read more…
Read the latest RJI Newsletter
Save the Dates
January 24, 7pm
Vespers service
Janaury 26, 6:30pm
Film and discussion: Race, Power of an Illusion
January 27, 1pm
Panel discussion: Election Reform and Voting Rights
January 27, 8pm
Family Stargazing (weather permitting)
January 28, 6:pm
Auction planning meeting
February 4, 12:15pm
UU FaithAction NJ conference
February 4, 12:30pm
White Supremacy Teach-In
February 11, Middle Hour
One-act play: Bus Stop
February 17, 9:30am
Workshop: What White People Can Do About Racism
February 17, 7pm
Cosmic Crossings Movie Night
Racial Justice Initiative Calendar
UUCWC Safety Team Update
Ronnie Dobrowolski, Chair
UUCWC’s Safety Team was established to implement the findings of the Safety Task Force. The Task Force recommended a number of actions and procedures to ensure the safety of our congregation and those using our building. Read more…
Mid-Year Financial Update
UUCWC continues to build its strong financial position through solid dedication, generosity and stewardship. We are tracking very similarly to last year with some expenses coming earlier in the year but still very much on budget with a modest surplus. Read more…
Reflections on Reflections
by Bonnie Ruekgauer
In the final line of her poem The Summer Day, Mary Oliver asks “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” This query became the focus of our first worship service of the new year, the second annual “generations” service. As I listened to each speaker, I began to notice a distinct difference. Read more…
UU FaithAction NJ
(formerly UULMNJ)
New Legislative Possibilities
Central NJ Conference
February 4, 12:15 pm-3:15pm Hosted by the
UU Congregation of Princeton
Lunch will be served
More details here.
Please RSVP by Jan. 29 to admin@uulmnj.org.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org