Welcome to CrossCurrents!
This monthly communication is intended to keep you informed about significant happenings and initiatives.
Your thoughts and comments are welcome – please forward them to communications@uucwc.org.
A Theology of Relationship
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Rev. Kim’s reflection this month comes in two parts. The first part was the intended CrossCurrents article, on two items that have recently been in the news – the Stanford University rape case and Hilary Clinton as the Democratic nominee for president – and was written days before the shootings in Orlando, FL. The second piece was posted on Rev. Kim’s personal FaceBook page in response to the tragedy in Orlando. Read more…
Thank You to Our Children’s RE Teachers
by Robin Pugh, Director, Lifespan Religious Education
I want to thank the 32 people who volunteered in our children’s Religious Education (RE) program this year. Our children’s lives have been enriched because of the dedication and commitment of these volunteer teachers. I may be the adult face of the children’s RE program, but our teachers are its heart because they care so much about their students. Read more…
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education, may be reached at dre@uucwc.org.
From your Board of Trustees
Annual Meeting Recap: A Pleasant Dilemna
by Michael Dalzell, Secretary, UUCWC Board of Trustees
Projected budget surplus? Check.
Starting to wean ourselves off the annual auction to fund our operating budget? Check.
Using auction funds to further our mission? We’re getting there.
For members who have been a part of UUCWC for a decade or less, the June 5 Annual Meeting was a first: The congregation passed a budget with a significant projected surplus. The 2016–2017 operating budget — prepared by the Finance Committee in April, approved by the Board of Trustees in May, and passed by the congregation in June — contains a $9,767 projected surplus. Members who have been with us longer than a decade say they can’t remember the last time we passed a surplus budget. Hooray! Read more…
Contact any member of the board, or board@uucwc.org with your comments, questions, and/or concerns.
Social Justice: The Year in Review
by Sallie Dunner, Chair, Council for Faith in Action
This has been an extraordinary year for social justice and social action at UUCWC. Due your generosity in giving to the weekly plate, 50% of which goes to social justice causes, UUCWC has been able to donate over $13,500 to a variety of organizations. We also embarked on a year of exploration of issues of racial justice, what it means to have white privilege, and thinking about how we can put our UU First and Second principles into concrete action. Read more…

Facilities Management Team: The Year in Review
by Susan Irgang, Church Administrator
How many decibels of cell phone reception are needed for a booster to be useful to UUCWC? -90db
What type of gas connection is on the new stove that can work with our existing service? Bayonet
How far must a new parking area be from the 100 year flood line to meet regulations? 100′
Are we keeping the dead fish in Room 103? No
These are just a few of the questions I have been asked and found answers for as part of my newer responsibilities this year as Facilities Management Team leader. Read more…
General Assembly
June 22 – 26, 2016
General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association. Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. The theme for GA 2016 will be Heart Land: Where Faiths Connect.
Highlights, live streaming and more…
Annual Report 2016-17
The Annual Report* for 2016-2017 is posted on our website. Read about all of the good works being done on behalf of our community. And maybe there is a group that you would like to learn more about and/or become involved with!
*It is a preliminary report and will be updated over the summer.
Adult Religious Enrichment
Upcoming gatherings include:
June 26th 11:30am – 1:30 pm
August 14 11:30am – 1:30 pm
Yoga and Meditation
Tuesdays in July
Taught by Nathalie Edmond
More information and registration details here.
Finance Team: The Year in Review and 2016-2017 Budget
Thanks to your support of our community, and careful management of expenses, this has been a good year financially for UUCWC. Read more here…
Youth Group Practicing the Change They’d Like to See in the World
by Bob Alt
Rewarding. Inspiring. Meaningful. Humbling. Service. These are just some of the words used by six members of our Youth Group that went to New York on May 20-21 for a weekend service project. It was an amazing and inspiring weekend to see how our young adults responded to what they learned about homelessness and how readily they jumped in to help others. Read more…