Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at communications@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
Shaping Our Faith at GA by Rev. Kim Wildszewski
What It Means to Be a Leader by Robin Pugh, DLRE
Take a Look at Your Wall by Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
In Gratitude by Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
8th Principle Adopted; Summer Workshop and Reading List, by Marianne Alt, President, Board of Trustees
Update from the Racial Justice Initiative Praxis Group, May 2018 by Dan Tuft, Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
The Psychological Hug by Lori Rahn, Co-Chair, Right Relations Committee
Capital Campaign Update by Jayme Trott, Co-Chair
Opening Up With Creativity by Bob Alt, Co-Coordinator, Youth Group
The Ministry Journey by Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
Parking Update by Susan Irgang, Office Administrator
Shaping Our Faith at GA
I haven’t been to General Assembly in six years. The first time I went was the year I was recognized as a fellowshipped minister. Tara stayed home in our Annapolis apartment, seated above the RE classrooms of the church, so we didn’t have to board the dog. The night I ceremonially bridged from lay person to minister, she sat in tears on the front step of the apartment / classroom building with the dog, having locked herself out and needing to wait until morning when the administrator would come to work….
History aside, it takes a lot for me to consider going to GA; being away from my family for a week and especially for a week of extroversion at the height of what we ministers call the “crispy season.” I’ve been okay with missing the conversations and the collegiality and the worship I get to receive rather than produce. But this year I ache that I will not be in Kansas City. Read more…
Rev. Kim will be taking the remainder of her parental leave in July.
What It Means to Be a Leader
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
This month I am completing my 3-year term as Vice President of the Liberal Religious Educators Association (“LREDA”), the professional organization for UU Religious Educators. Recently, I’ve been thinking about how this experience changed and developed me as a leader. Read more…
Robin can be reach at dre@uucwc.org.
Take a Look at Your Wall
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
I don’t know about you, but whenever I find a quote, bumper sticker, Facebook posting or anything that inspires me, I post it on a bulletin board above my desk at home (and in the church office). These items illuminate all the various aspects of my world, my heart and my soul. My wall has clippings and pictures that have spoken to me throughout my life – so I thought I’d share them with you for a glimpse into who I am, not only as a musician, but the breadth of my world! What’s on your wall? Read more…

In Gratitude
Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
There is no way to truly thank and acknowledge all of the love and care I have received from UUCWC this year, but I want to hold up a deep gratitude for all of you. How does one say goodbye to a place and a people they have fallen in love with. I understand why Reverend Kim uses the words it is a privilege to serve as your minister. I have had that same sense of honor, in my short time here. Read more…
From your Board of Trustees
8th Principle Adopted; Summer Workshop and Reading List
Marianne Alt, President
On Sunday, June 3, 2018 our UUCWC congregation voted by a supermajority to adopt the 8th Principle. This vote is an important step in our congregation’s racial justice journey which began back in the 1960’s. Where our collective journey goes from here depends on all of us living into this principle in our own way.
If you are interested in being an active participant in dismantling racism and other oppressions please attend the Nonviolent Communication Workshop on July 22.*
If you are interested in broadening your own racial justice awareness or just want to read a really good book this summer be sure to check out this suggested reading list. Read more…
*Update: Registration for the Nonviolent Communication Workshop is full, but names are being accepted for a wait list.

Update from the Racial Justice Initiative Praxis Group, June 2018
Dan Tuft, Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
8. Institutional Transformation The congregation engages in critical self-assessment and seeks outside consultation to ensure that power structures and practices align with stated racial justice values and make space for diverse leadership and participation.
Our April Praxis area was Institutional Transformation. We will have one more submission for CrossCurrents that will summarize our final two topics from May and June. The leadership of RJI transitions in July to Mary McKillip from Nathalie and me…thank you Mary! Read more…

The Psychological Hug
Lori Rahn, Co-Chair, Right Relations Committee
We UU’s are terrific at hugging- physical hugging that is, but are we equally as good at “psychological hugs”?
According to Lawrence J. Bookbinder, PhD, a psychological hug is a feeling that one gets when one has been listened to and has been acknowledged for what was said and for the feelings associated with what was said. This is also called “empathetic acknowledgement.” Read more...
Summer Office Hours
Beginning July 1, summer office hours are Tuesday-Thursday, 10am – 2pm.
Follow General Assembly, the annual meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association, here. Thank you to Holly Bussey and Jim Sanders for representing UUCWC.
Save the Dates
June 24
8 Sacred Circles: Summer Solstice Celebration
June 27
Earth Ministry: Raw Milk Nation, What’s Behind Demand for Fresh Unprocessed Milk
June 30
Soul Food Dinner hosted by UUCWC’s Racial Justice Initiative in support of the Stoutsburg Sourland African American Museum
July 22
Non-Violent Communication Workshop
Capital Campaign Update
Jayme Trott, Co-Chair
The Capital Campaign Steering Committee is grateful to all UUCWC members and friends who have pledged their support to this once-in-a-generation opportunity to invest in real and lasting improvements to UUCWC. To date, 127 households have pledged almost $916,000 toward our goal of $1.1 million. Individual pledges range from $50 to $115,000 with a median of $3000, to be paid over the next three to five years. Read more…
Opening Up With Creativity
Bob Alt, Co-Coordinator, Youth Group
The Youth Group would like to thank the congregation for taking part in our creativity exercises during the sermon on May 20th. We’ve assembled all of the drawings, doodles, sayings, poems, colored pictures, and more in a file for you to enjoy. Thanks for participating!
The Ministry Journey
Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
The Unitarian Universalist Association has created a very detailed set of standards to qualify one to ministry. There are background checks, a psychological test that takes two days, one or more internships in a parish, and Clinical Pastoral Education, which is a learning Chaplaincy. Alongside getting your academic education at a Seminary there are between 80 – 116 books and trainings that you are required to read, digest and be proficient in. Read more…
Parking Update
Susan Irgang, Office Administrator
As reported at this year’s Annual Meeting, our parking improvement project has gained momentum. With the inclusion of parking in the Capital Campaign and generous funding by this congregation, the Parking Task Force was able to take the next steps on our parking project. Read more…

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org