Welcome to CrossCurrents!
This monthly communication is intended to keep you informed about significant happenings and initiatives.
Your thoughts and comments are welcome – please forward them to communications@uucwc.org.
Invitation to Get Connected
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Years ago I watched as a beloved and tenured minister moved into a time of great change in his congregation. If nothing else, it was challenging. The change wasn’t financial or membership growth. It wasn’t the joy of commitment. And yet, it was necessary and ultimately good healthy change.
In an effort to stay connected to the congregation he served, he announced that he’d be showing up throughout a particular month. No agenda. Just available. Willing to listen, and willing to answer.
UU Summer Camps for All Ages
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
We are reprinting this article from last year, updated for 2017, because I think attending a UU summer camp or conference is so important to growing Unitarian Universalists of any age. They may not be able to articulate it well, but many lifelong Unitarian Universalists will tell you it was their participation in UU summer camps, conferences, retreats, COA trips, and other “immersion experiences” that solidified their connection to their faith.
According to the book, Full Circle: Fifteen Ways to Grow Lifelong UUs by Kate Tweedie Erslev, many lifers found these experiences provided some of their most significant memories. Here they found safe community, a sense of religious identity, spiritual renewal, and supportive peers. I have attended UU camps both with my family and alone. Read more…
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education, can be reached at dre@uucwc.org. Please contact her to volunteer to help teach a children’s religious education class, or if you want more information about UUCWC’s Adult and Children’s Religious Education programs.

A Public Expression of Our UU Values
Pam Shadzik, President, UUCWC Board of Trustees
For almost two years, UUCWC has had an intentional focus on racial justice work. This work has already had a profound impact on many in our congregation. At this time, we are ready to take this initiative to the next level, with a congregational vote to display a banner that will serve as a public expression of our faith’s values, including racial justice. The Board of Trustees has enthusiastically and unanimously approved this plan.
As background, our Racial Justice Initiative grew from the UUA General Assembly 2015 call to action to support Black Lives Matter and link it to UU Principles. The call invited congregations to cultivate intentional learning spaces around racial justice. Members of UUCWC took on this work with great passion. In summer 2015 the Racial Justice Project kicked off, and during the 2015-16 calendar year we held small group circles, book discussion groups, and films exploring white privilege, in addition to participating in numerous social justice activities. During the summer of 2016, the Racial Justice Project changed its name to the Racial Justice Initiative (RJI) to emphasize UUCWC’s commitment to ongoing efforts to promote social justice. Many of the participants in the various opportunities for education and discussion that have taken place tell us it has transformed their understanding of these challenging issues. Read more…
Congregational Meeting to be held Sunday, April 2
There will be one service only on Sunday, April 2, at 10:00 am, with the meeting to follow at 11:15am. The meeting will address the scheduling of our Annual Meeting, a proposed public display of a banner expressing UU values and an update from the Strategic Vision Task Force. Our bylaws require a quorum to conduct business at a Congregational Meeting, so please plan to attend.
Proposed Public Display
of Banner Expressing
UU Values – Info Session
The Council for Faith in Action will hold an information session on Sunday, March 26, at 12:30 pm. And Sallie Dunner, Nathalie Edmond or Dan Tuft will be glad to answer any questions you might have. Read more here.
UUCWC Spring Auction
There’s a lot to like in the UUCWC spring auction. So many opportunities to play, eat and share with members and friends. There is still time to participate as a contributor, so consider what you might offer to do for other members. Submission deadline is April 2. Details here…
Silent Auctions: April 23 & 30
Live event: May 6
Community Book Drive
Seeks Children’s Books
Sen. Shirley Turner is conducting her annual Community Book Drive and Summer Reading Book Fair. Books will be distributed to children in Trenton’s public schools. You can help by donating new and gently used books. Watch for more details from the Council for Faith in Action.