Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at crosscurrents@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
Children’s and Adult RE – Upcoming Events by Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
A Perspective on Music and Cultural Misappropriation – Part 2 by Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
Queer Faith by Hannah Gallo, Ministerial Resident
Heart of the Matter: 2019-2020 Stewardship Campaign Continues by Lori Hoppmann, Chair
Our Perspective on Adding an Assistant Minister by Nathalie Edmond, Vice President and Patrick Kahney, Trustee, Board of Trustees
Capital Campaign/Project Update by Jayme Trott, Co-Chair
UU Faith in Action and Mindfulness by Mike Wilson, Chair, Council for Faith in Action
Recycling Reminder and Info by Chris Piatek, Earth Ministry
Charitable Distributions from IRAs by George Faulkner and Lori Hoppmann
UUCWC Spring Auction – What’s New, Tips, and Important Dates by Marcia Wittmann, Auction Committee
Help Wanted: Nominating Committee by Sandy Muccioli, Chair, Nominating Committee
UUCWC Service Awards by Nathalie Edmond, Vice President, Board of Trustees
Airport and Train Transportation Service
Children’s and Adult RE – Upcoming Events
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
* Teacher Appreciation Brunch and Brainstorm – April 7
This is a chance for kids and parents to feast and to reflect on Family ministry at UUCWC.Non-parent help is needed to make this event a success.
* Upcoming Adult Learning Opportunities:
Hearing Your Inner Wisdom Through Collage – April 27
White Fragility Discussion Group – Dates TBD
More info here…

A Perspective on Music and Cultural Misappropriation – Part 2
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
Last month I offered Part One of this perspective on Music and Cultural Misappropriation from Rev. Jason Shelton. Next month, I will share some of my own thoughts and perspective.
Read Part 2…
Queer Faith
Hannah Gallo, Ministerial Resident
Union Theological Seminary’s response to the United Methodist Church to reject LGBTQ people was to create a project inviting Union students/graduates to tell their stories of “a vibrant queer, community of faith – alive and flourishing.” Read their stories in their voices, including one from our own ministerial resident, Hannah Gallo.
Heart of the Matter: 2019-2020 Stewardship Campaign Continues
Lori Hoppmann, Stewardship Chair
Our annual pledge campaign continues! Do your part to help us reach our challenge goal of 75% of pledges in by the end of the day Sunday, March 17 so we qualify for an extra $10,000 toward our efforts to fund the hiring of an Assistant Minister!
If you haven’t had a chance to make your pledge yet, please go to our Annual Giving page and consider the Heart of the Matter in order to create healthier staffing, culture, and support systems for our growing and vibrant congregation, and then submit your pledge. Thank you for your support of our community.
Please contact me at stewardship@uucwc.org with any questions.
From your Board of Trustees
Our Perspective on Adding an Assistant Minister
by Nathalie Edmond, Vice President and Patrick Kahney, Trustee
If you haven’t heard, UUCWC is growing, and growing rapidly! Our membership is up 21% over 5 years ago, RE enrollment has grown by 41%, and weekly attendance is up 23%. We couldn’t be where we are today without all of the contributions to leadership.
A concern while a congregation is growing is that existing staffing resources may not be sufficient to create an environment where everyone feels known. It’s essential to recognize that we have reached an important milestone in our growth. In order to continue down this path in a healthy and sustainable way, an Assistant Minister will be a critical asset. Read more…
Capital Campaign/Project Update
Jayme Trott, Co-Chair
The Capital Campaign Steering Committee presented preliminary architectural drawings to the Board and Church Council during February, and to interested congregants during the Middle Hour on March 3. Since then, we have hired a civil engineer who will work to obtain the required approvals from governing agencies. Read more…
UU Faith in Action and Mindfulness
Mike Wilson, Chair, Council for Faith in Action
Unitarian Universalism is supposed to be an active faith. Mindfulness enhances our involvement in what we are about. My thought is that the more we are mindful about how we actively involve ourselves in our faith, the more we profit from our involvement. Read more…

Earth Ministry: Recycling Reminder and Info
Chris Piatek, Earth Ministry
Recycling has been part of our daily practice for many years. It’s a ubiquitous habit (we hope) but it’s good to review lists of the materials that can and cannot be recycled. Here is recycling information for Mercer and Bucks County. Read more…
Charitable Distributions from IRAs
George Faulkner and Lori Hoppmann
For those of you fortunate enough to be over age 70 & 1/2 and have individual retirement accounts (IRAs), here’s a suggestion on how to make a capital campaign or annual operating pledge contribution that’s fully tax-deductible. With the recent federal income tax changes effective in 2018, it’s much harder to take advantage of itemizing your deductions, including for charitable donations. But the law now allows for qualified charitable distributions (QCDs), where you can assign part or all of your IRA’s annual required minimum distribution to a charity and avoiding federal income taxes on that part of the distribution. Read more…
2019 UUCWC Spring Auction — What’s New, Tips and Important Dates
The UUCWC Spring Auction, is right around the corner! Silent Auction Sundays take place April 14 and 28, followed by the exciting Live Auction on Saturday, May 4.
Read more on what’s new for 2019, tips, and important dates…

Help Wanted:
Nominating Committee
Serving on the Nominating Committee is rewarding because we get to work with the amazing leadership of UUCWC, as well as Rev. Kim and our church community. There are immediate openings on the Nominating Committee and for 2019 -2020. Read more…
UUCWC Service Awards
Nominations Due April 15
The Board invites you to think about individuals in the congregation you would like to honor at the annual meeting. Nominate someone who exemplifies service and/or has significantly contributed to our community. Details here…

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org