Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at communications@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
What Would Your Thesis Be For Unitarian Universalism by Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Children’s RE Curriculum by Robin Pugh, DLRE
The Great Spirit Gave Us Each a Song by Caryl Tiption, Director, Music Ministry
Introducing the Ministerial Intern Commtitee
Notes on Congregational Life by Ana DelCorazon, Membership Volunteer Coordinator
A Changing Landscape, Familiar Ground, by Marianne Alt, President, Board of Trustees
A Place to Grow, A Path to Leachership, by Geri Koblis, Chair, Nominating Committee
Our Covenant of Right Relations – by the Right Relations Committee
Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ – Update and Events
Racial Justice Book Group: Meet the Author
Projector Team Forming
Neighborhood Potlucks by Ana DelCorazon
What Would Your Thesis Be For Unitarian Universalism?
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
As you may recall from my October 22nd sermon on a (UU) Reformation, this October was the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. The story goes, Martin Luther, a Catholic Priest, is offended by the Catholic Church’s insistence that members pay for their absolution; their forgiveness. … Fed up with trying to make his heart speak that which he did not believe, Martin Luther penned 95 statements of correction for all to see. 95 Theses…
During that sermon, I laid out a number of theses of my own; formed in conversation with other UU ministers and for our UU tradition. I’ve heard from many of you how rich (and dense) hearing those theses was. Many have asked for me to take the time to reflect on each one more fully.
As I proposed in that sermon, I’d actually like to hear from you! What would your thesis be for Unitarian Universalism? And if you don’t have one to add, I’d love to hear your reflections on any of the ones I’ve offered below – not necessarily an argument for or against, but giving any one of these texture, personal story, a legitimization through your own experience. So here they are again, not nailed, but emailed! Oh how the world changes… Read more…
Rev. Kim can be reached at minister@uucwc.org.
Children’s RE Curriculum
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Last month, I wrote about the importance of felt experience in our classes. This month, I turn to the content of our curriculum. In UUCWC’s Religious Education program, we spend the early elementary school years building a child’s Unitarian Universalist identity. Children learn who Unitarian Universalists are, what we value and how to live our faith. At age 10, they start a 4-year progression, which includes one year of each of the following: Read more…
Robin can be reached at dre@uucwc.org.
The Great Spirit Gave Us Each a Song
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
The Great Spirit Gave Us Each a Song (Native American Proverb) I have a drawing with this proverb hanging in my office. It inspires me to continue to encourage everyone in our community to sing their “song” through music. Whether singing along with the hymns chosen for a sermon, singing specific songs that the choir has rehearsed for weeks that reflect the spirit and theme of a service, humming a tune in your car that you heard at church or one that reaches out from your memories, or responding to a piece you hear on the radio…each of us has a song to sing. Each of us can express our inner self through music in some way. Read more…

Introducing the Ministerial Intern Committee
Sonia Hardaway, Tim Murphy, Connie Rafle, Michael Waas, Regina Zilinski
We are incredibly pleased and proud that we have Sue Flynn with us here at UUCWC. In the 2016-2017 church year the Ministerial Intern Committee reviewed applications from several potential interns and conducted a thorough interview process with all the candidates; and after much consideration decided Sue Flynn would be the best fit to serve as the first ministerial intern for a residency at UUCWC. Read more…
Notes on Congregational Life
Ana DelCorazon, Congregational Life Coordinator
In my time at UUCWC, I’ve seen a trend in how newcomers grow into regulars. After an initial period of getting to know the church and its members, they start to make it their own. Read more…

From you Board of Trustees
A Changing Landscape, Familiar Ground
Marianne Chopp Alt, President, Board of Trustees
In times of great change, we look for ports in the storm – close family members, dear friends, our beloved congregation. The constancy and security of those familiar ties offer much needed support as we brace ourselves to venture into the world each day. When any of these ports change, we may feel excited or we may feel unsettled or most likely, both at once. Read more…

A Place to Grow, A Path To Leadership
by Geri Koblis, Chair, Nominating Committee
As a new member, UUCWC was presented to me as a place where I could grow. How excited I felt at the possibilities to try new things, to venture beyond the pigeon hole of my daily life. I might discover talents that I never even knew I had! Read more…
Our Covenant of Right Relations
The Right Relations Committee
One aspect of a healthy congregation is having respectful ways in which we interact with one another. This responsibility is up to each of us by abiding by our Covenant of Right Relations. Read more…
UU Legislative Ministry of NJ
Updates and Events
UULMNJ is now UU FaithAction NJ! Educate. Mobilze. Advocate.
Read more here.
New Political Realities for Justice Making in NJ and Beyond
November 12, 12:30 – 3:00pm
UU Congregation at Montclair
Details here
Public Protest/Upstander free training
November 18, 10am – 2pm
Central Unitarian Church – Paramus
Details and registration info
Racial Justice Book Group:
“Meet the Author”
November 13 at 7:00pm
Helen Lundstrom Erwin is the author of James’ Journey, a historical novel set during the Civil War that traces the moral
transformation of a son of a slave owner. She will be speaking about her novel and available to answer questions. The novel can be purchased at Barnes and Noble and on Amazon.(Use the UUCWC Amazon link!) Happy reading!
Relations. Read more…
Projector Team Forming!
If you are technologically inclined and would like to volunteer to run the projector on select Sundays, please contact Michele Ruopp and Dave Anderson at wa@uucwc.org.
UUCWC Neighborhood Potlucks
Did you know that UUCWC hosts monthly neighborhood potlucks for members and friends? Read more…

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org