Faith Forward
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
It has been an exciting few weeks at UUCWC, especially having kicked off two services and the Middle Hour with the recent Committee and Ministry Fair! The Middle Hour is an opportunity for both first and second services to gather for community, spiritual deepening, and the work of the church. Already we’ve had the Multigenerational Choir meet during Middle Hour as well as a non-partisan Voter Registration opportunity that will continue in the weeks to come. This Sunday, October 8, you can meet with members of the Board of Trustees to ask questions, offer feedback, or just spend time getting to know the leadership at UUCWC. It is also the kick-off of the program Faith Forward.
Faith Forward is a fifty-minute program that is offered every single Sunday for every single participant (visitor, member, friend), during Middle Hour that aims to integrate members; facilitate growth, faith development and leadership development. Here is what you can expect. Read more…
Rev. Kim can be reached at

Building Relationships on Sunday Morning
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
One of the first things I tell our Religious Education (RE) teachers during their annual teacher training in September is what the goal is in their classrooms on Sunday morning. New teachers are surprised when they hear me say that the number one goal in RE on Sunday is to allow each child to leave the class with positive “feelings” rather than some information memorized.
Yes, we will spend a lot of time this year talking about our seven principles, the Bible, world religions, and human sexuality in different RE classes. But at the same time, we will also ask our children to internalize what it feels like to accept another who is different than they are. We hope that children leave the classroom feeling as though they have been seen, heard, respected, and treated fairly. We help each child practice what it’s like to act in justice, in love, and with respect. We encourage questions and hope to provide engaging experiences. Read more…
Robin can be reached at

Introducing Monthly Vesper Services
Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
“Spiritual” is a word I love. When I use this word, I am speaking to the needs we have as human beings to make meaning in our lives. It is less of a definition and more of a question. Where is the meaning in your life? What gets you out of bed in the morning? How are you making sense of the grief and/or joy you find in your life? What do you reach for when it feels overwhelming, or underwhelming, too intense, or too stuck? Answers to these questions are, for me, the basis of our individual spirituality.
I have been delighted to see the many places UUCWC works to provide for our community’s spiritual needs. Our Sunday worship services are the most obvious. But there are many church groups and gatherings that allow for the opportunity to connect with what is most important in our lives: The ROMEOs and JULIETs, Chalice Circles, the Racial Justice Initiative, the potlucks and music celebrations, are just a few of the many.
This month we will introduce one more way to connect and nourish where you find meaning in your life. On October 10th, we begin a monthly evening Vespers service. Read more…
Notes on Congregational Life
Ana DelCorazon, Membership Volunteer Coordinator
I haven’t had the opportunity to meet as many of you in person as I’d like to (yet), since I’ve only been a member of UUCWC for eight months and have attended for over a year. However, I’ve been a UU for six years, and my last church was First Unitarian in Des Moines, Iowa. First Unitarian was a large congregation, with about 500 members, and it had undergone significant growth over the prior ten years. I was fortunate enough to experience and enjoy the fruits of their struggle and growth into a large congregation. And now, it’s exciting and rewarding for me to be in a new spiritual home where I am given the opportunity to use my talents and skills to help our congregation grow and change. My hope is that all members and friends are able to contribute to our beloved community in ways that feed and renew them. Read more…
Green Sanctuary: More than pretty green plants!
Barbara Drew, Co-Chair, Earth Ministry Team
Every Sunday, one of the five fellowship candles is lit in recognition of our commitment to being a “Green Sanctuary” and caring for our earth and church grounds. This is the work led by your Earth Ministry Team and it involves every member of UUCWC. Being a Green Sanctuary means much more than having green plants in our Sanctuary and lighting the Earth Ministry fellowship candle!
Since March, 2010, UUCWC has been an accredited Green Sanctuary, an official designation by the UUA signifying that UUCWC… Read more…
What is the Council for Faith in Action?
Sallie Dunner, Chair, Council for Faith in Action
The Council for Faith in Action (CFA) was established in 2008, the result of a UUA-facilitated workshop about the best ways to integrate social justice into congregations. It went through some growing pains to become what it is today, serving as the fiduciary steward for the distribution of the 50% of the plate designated for social justice causes and projects, and acting as an “umbrella” for the many social justice activities at UUCWC. Read more…
Racial Justice Book Group:
“Meet the Author”
November 13 at 7:00pm
Helen Lundstrom Erwin is the author of James’ Journey, a historical novel set during the Civil War that traces the moral
transformation of a son of a slave owner. She will be speaking about her novel and available to answer questions. The novel can be purchased at Barnes and Noble and on Amazon.(Use the UUCWC Amazon link!) Happy reading!
UU Legislative Ministry of NJ
Fall Issues Conference
Saturday, October 14
Hosted by UU Congregation of Monmouth County
Join UUs from across New Jersey to learn, discuss, and become involved in the most pressing social justice concerns facing our state. Keynote speaker is Johanna Calle from the NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice. Details and registration info.
Soul Matters
Coming to UUCWC
UUCWC is hosting Soul Matters sharing circle, a monthly small group ministry followed by 150 UU congregations who follow the same monthly worship themes. The purpose of this circle is to enable connections with each other, with our deepest selves, and with the world. Members, friends and visitors of UUCWC come together to share and reflect, build relationships, widen our vision and renew our spirit. Read more…
UUCWC Neighborhood Potlucks
Did you know that UUCWC hosts monthly neighborhood potlucks for members and friends? Currently there are four formed groups: Up the River, Newtown, Titusville, and Yardley. The Lawrenceville area potluck is just forming! Because of our growing community, not everyone has been invited to a neighborhood potluck – we hope to change that soon!
Read more…
Unitarian Universalist Association Disaster
Relief Fund
As hurricane cleanup continues in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and other Caribbean islands the UUA is urging its donors to contribute to its Disaster Relief Fund.