Welcome to CrossCurrents! This monthly communication is intended to keep you informed about significant happenings and initiatives. Your comments are welcome at communications@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
Services Will be at 9am and 11am by Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Welcome Back! by Robin Pugh, DLRE
How Do you Lead by Nathalie Edmond, UUCWC Board of Trustees
Introducing Sue Flynn by Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
Open to You! by Ana DelCorazon, Membership Volunteer Coordinator
Racial Justice Initiative – September Opportunities by Dan Tuft, Co-Chair, Racial Justice Iniative
Taking Root This Fall in ARE by Susan Colket, Chair, ARE Ministry Team
Grounds Committee – Help Wanted by Steve Saddlemire, Chair, Grounds Committee
Immigration Today: A Community Dialogue by Jasmine Ueng-McHale, Co-organizer
Services Will Be at 9am and 11am
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Each year as we meet the fall again, it never fails that I hear the twinge of heartache from many in the congregation – how nice it’s been to be under one roof, for one service. If I’d ever consider returning to one 10am service year-round… In one odd, perhaps ironic, and I promise thoughtful effort, we will once again be moving the services to 9am and 11am; moving the first service up by 15 minutes and creating a full hour between. Read more…
Rev. Kim can be reached at minister@uucwc.org.
Welcome Back!
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Welcome back to those families that I haven’t seen this summer. Our intergenerational water ingathering service is on September 10. Please bring a small amount of water from your home or a place you visited this summer.
Our full Religious education program begins on September 17th. The RE Committee for Children and Youth and I have planned an exciting year for UUCWC’s children. Read more…
Robin can be reached at dre@uucwc.org.
From your Board of Trustees
How Do You Lead?
Nathalie Edmond, Board of Trustees
As we transition into September and experience the beginning of fall along with the many events related to the start of a new academic year and get into the full swing of the church year, I have been reflecting on my experience attending my first Board retreat. During the retreat we did an exercise that helped us explore the many styles of leadership on the board which are a reflection of the many styles of leadership at UUCWC. I divided them into four different categories: observe, celebrate, accept, change. Read more…
Introducing Sue Flynn
Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern
I am so delighted to serve as the first Ministerial Intern at UUCWC. Originating from outside of Boston, I’ve spent time in the western part of Massachusetts working in a nonprofit; in the Midwest for undergraduate and graduate work; and I have family along the East Coast, not to mention roots down South. Answering the question of where I am from is always interesting. Read more… |
Open to You!
Ana DelCorazon, Membership Volunteer Coordinator
If you’ve been to church lately, you may have noticed some changes in the lobby… Becoming more open and welcoming, in our spaces as well as our systems, will involve doing some things differently than we’ve always done them before. I’m hoping this is the start of some welcome changes, not only to the lobby, but throughout the building and within the congregation. Read more… |

Racial Justice Initiative – Opportunities for September
Dan Tuft, co-chair, Racial Justice Initiative
The Racial Justice Initiative continues to provide you opportunities to engage, act, study and reflect on issues related to racial justice both within UUCWC and in the surrounding communities in which we live. September opportunities include What White People Can Do About Racism workshop, a movie night, and the first meeting of the praxis group. Read more…
Taking Root This Fall in ARE
Susan Colket, Chair, ARE Ministry Team
What if this fall, traditionally the harvest time, we begin to put down roots? Our congregation is fertile ground. We’re being called to take root here; to take root now. One of the simplest ways for newcomers and long time members to take root is to take an ARE program. Read more…
Grounds Committee – Help Wanted
Steve Saddlemire, Chair, Grounds Committee
Having taken over the reins of the Grounds Committee (with Scott Drew’s valuable help) in mid-summer from the incredibly involved and knowledgeable Kathleen Konopka, I have quickly learned that there’s a lot more to our exterior environment than what you see from the parking lot. UUCWC sits on a large and diverse piece of property, and there’s always some new adventure requiring the Ground Committee’s involvement. Read more…
Immigration Today: A Community Dialogue
Jasmine Ueng-McHale
On Wednesday September 27, 2017 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm UUCWC will host a teach-in, Immigration Today: A Community Dialogue. I have co-organized this event with other residents of Pennington, Ewing, Hopewell, Princeton and Lawrenceville. This event will be open to the community. The evening will begin with opening words by an interfaith panel of clergy including, of course, our very own Rev. Kimberly Wildszewski. Speakers will discuss the history of immigration policy and enforcement, myths about the economic impact of undocumented residents, and the ways that the current immigration enforcement violates constitutional rights and basic moral values. Read more… |
Sunday, September 24
UUCWC returns to
two Sunday services
at 9:00 am and 11:00 am
Time to Register your child(ren) for 2017-18 Religious Education
and childcare.
An overview of each class curriculum and the registration form are posted on the UUCWC website.
Questions? Contact Robin Pugh at dre@uucwc.org. |
UU Legislative Ministry of NJ
Fall Issues Conference
Saturday, October 14
Hosted by UU Congregation of Monmouth County
Please contact Nick Mellis or Lynne Quinto if you are interested in attending this event. Watch for more details coming soon.
Read Why the UU Legislative Ministry of New Jersey Matters
Finance Committee Year-End Report for 2016-2017
The 2016-2017 fiscal year marked a continuation of sound financial results for UUCWC. The Finance Committee commends the Congregation on their suport of our community. Pledges and income were strong while cost-conscious budgeting and oversight efforts continued. Read more…

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org