Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at communications@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
Welcome Table Wednesdays by Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Welcome Back! This Year’s RE Program by Robin Pugh, DLRE
Diving in at the Deep End by Hannah Gallo, Ministerial Intern
A Personal View from a New Board Member, by Nina Todor, Board of Trustees
Parking and Capital Campaign Update by Jayme Trott, Co-Chair, Capital Campaign
Visions For a New Church Year with the Racial Justice Initative by Mary KcKillip, Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
UUCWC 2018-2019 Concert Series
Stewardship Updates by Lori Hoppmann, Stewardship Chair
New Grounds Initiative – We Want to Hear From You by Steve Saddlemire, Co-Chair, Grounds
UUA Common Read
Welcome Table Wednesdays
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Each year the staff gathers throughout the summer to think wholeheartedly about UUCWC: individual congregants, groups and ministries, anxieties and excitements; the discernment goes on. It is from such conversations that we were able to introduce Faith Forward last year, the Coming into Connection curriculum, and think more critically about the need to create a transparent path to leadership and involvement.
This year we are most excited to introduce what we are calling
Welcome Table Wednesdays! Each third Wednesday of the month (unless falling on a holiday week) our ministerial intern, Hannah, and I will be offering three hours of potluck, worship, and education. Read more…
The first Welcome Table Wednesday will be October 17.
Welcome Back! This Year’s RE Program
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Welcome back to those families that I haven’t seen this summer. Our full Religious Education (“RE”) program begins on Sunday, September 16. The RE teachers and I have planned an exciting year for UUCWC’s children. Here is what each class will be studying. Read more…
Robin can be reached at dre@uucwc.org.
Diving in at the Deep End
Hannah Gallo, Ministerial Intern
My first month at UUCWC has been an extraordinary experience. While some might have expected the intern to dip her toes in, then wade, and finally submerge her head under, I’m taking somewhat of the opposite approach. I have started by diving in at the deep end and then slowly getting out the pool, in time for my departure in June.
This is not to suggest that I’m already preoccupied with my departure and yet, it is essential to consider how I’m going to spend my time, mindful that the end is a matter of months away. It is with this kind of intentionality, towards what it is that I’m learning, towards what it is I hope to accomplish, that I share some observations of the community as I have seen thus far. Read more…
From your Board of Trustees
A Personal View from a New Board Member
Nina Todor, Trustee
I have attended many committees meetings before for church and work, never a board so this was something new for me…At the first meeting I was immediately struck by the efficiency of the meetings; the agenda is followed (amazing) there is a recorder and a time keeper. We are a midsized church now, so there are many things to cover at each meeting. Leaders are aware of people’s time spent as volunteers in this meeting and without rushing through the issues discussed, there is little wasted time. Read more…
Parking and Capital Campaign Updates
Jayme Trott, Co-Chair
Despite rumors to the contrary, the Parking and Capital Campaign efforts did not go on holiday over the summer! In fact, considerable progress has been made on both projects and we have reason to believe that improved and expanded parking will be a reality at UUCWC before the snow flies!! Read more...
Visions For a New Church Year With the Racial Justice Initiative
Mary McKillip, Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
As new chair of the Racial Justice Initiative, I want to express my excitement and anticipation for the year ahead! The monthly theme of vision is timely as I think about what I envision in the coming year and beyond for the racial justice work in our congregation.
We have made excellent progress in our congregation in the past few years. Then, this summer we affirmed that our congregation supports an 8th principle of journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.
What next? What is your vision for what you see in yourself and the congregation in regards to racial justice work? Where would you like us to be? How do we live the 8th principle? Read more…
The UU Common Read for 2018 – 2019 is Justice on Earth: People of Faith Working at the Intersections of Race, Class, and Environment. More info, including a study guide, is on the UUA website.
Announcing the official line-up for the 2018–2019 UUCWC Concert Series!
Erin Busch has set up four shows for this year, two of which are repeats of last year (the South Philly Big Band and Chelsea Reed and the Fair Weather Five), and two of which will be new events (Alex & Anya and the meditation concert). All events will be at least partial fundraisers for the church. All concerts will be on Sundays at 2:30pm in the sanctuary.
Download the flyer and mark your calendar!
Sunday, September 16
UUCWC returns to two services at 9am and 11am.
Stewardship Updates
Lori Hoppmann, Stewardship Chair
Where Do I Stand?
1) If you have not yet paid your full pledge for 2017-2018 and would like to do so, we are still accepting contributions!
2) If you have not yet made your pledge for 2018-2019, we encourage you to do so online. If you do not actively make your pledge by going to the church web site or sending an email to stewardship@uucwc.org to inform us otherwise, we will assume that you are maintaining the same pledge you made in 2017-2018.
You should have recently received a financial statement with your pledging and donating history for the most recent church year (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2018) and the CURRENT church year (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019). It is important that you REVIEW THESE STATEMENTS CAREFULLY AND LET US KNOW OF ANY DISCREPANCIES! These statements also allow you to stay current on your contributions to UUCWC.
Are You Age 70 1/2 or Older? Recent Tax Law Changes Warrant a Fresh Look at How You Make Your Charitable Contributions!
Read more here…
New Grounds Initiative – We Want to Hear From You
Steve Saddlemire, Co-Chair, Grounds Committee
Our church and grounds are a very important part of the religious experience at UUCWC. Ongoing maintenance, keeping the grounds fresh and relevant, being environmentally sensitive and introducing new and different approaches to our physical appearance are an consistent goal of your Grounds Committee. Read more…

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org