Creating Church
Rev. Kim Wildszewski, Senior Minister
This summer and early fall I have had the privilege of working more closely with some committees and ministries than my schedule typically allows, including the Right Relations Committee, Stewardship Committee, and the newly restructured Council for Faith in Action…
It has been an exciting and rejuvenating summer for me while working with these groups. And I am not the only one on staff who is reporting back the joy, awe and humility that comes with working with the leadership of this congregation. As we kick off another fall season at UUCWC, I hope we will all stay curious about the new ways ministry will unfold here, even by groups with the same old names. I am so grateful for the way this congregation creates church wherever it is. Read more…
Read more about the Council for Faith in Action.
The Lost Art of Conversation
Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
Our First UU Principle guides us to see the inherent worth and dignity in each person. One of the ways we might practice this aspect of our faith is by welcoming visitors into the UUCWC fold. If it has been a long time since you entered a new church, you may not be aware that entering a space such as ours can be very intimidating. Of course, it seems as though EVERYONE knows each other and no one knows you. It’s hard for visitors to know what to say, where to look, how to be. That is why I invite you to charge yourself with the task of being a welcoming presence.
I have heard many people say things like: “I hate small talk!” My goal in this article is to move us all toward the realization that small talk leads to deeper conversation. Read more…
The Sweet Spot of Volunteering Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
In September, I met with seven individual class teams made up of the 41 volunteers in the Religious Education program. During these meetings, I witnessed again and again how much our RE volunteers are committed to our children and to passing on Unitarian Universalism using their varied and unique gifts. I am so thankful to our volunteer teachers. They are the reason our RE program is successful.
One of the reasons our teachers make such a difference in the lives of our children is that many of them are serving in their “sweet spot” of volunteering. Read more…

The Role of UUCWC’s Treasurer
Nathalie Edmond, President, Board of Trustees
This summer, the Board of Trustees has been focused on re-examining the critical role of the Treasurer in our congregation. At the annual meeting many of you voted in a new Treasurer, Patrick Kahney. Patrick has since stepped out of the role and returned to being a Board Trustee at Large. Following our by-laws, the Board has appointed, from among the current Board members, Jim Sanders as interim treasurer for this church year. One of the things that has become clear is how much the Treasurer is responsible for. One of the Board’s emerging goals is to carefully look at this role and make some significant changes in the distribution of responsibilities. Read more…
If you are interested in learning more about and discussing the redistribution of the Treasurer’s responsibilities and how that impacts the roles of the Congregational Administrator and Finance Chair, come to the Board chat on Sunday, September 29 during the middle hour or the Church Council meeting on Wednesday, October 23, at 7pm. You can also email the board at board@uucwc.org.
Reset: Council for Faith in Action
Rev. Kim Wildszewski, Senior Minister
To say that the Council for Faith in Action (CFA) has been restructured is a bit of a stretch. The truth is, the CFA now simply reflects its original purpose and mission: to gather together the representatives of each justice ministry team at UUCWC so that all involved in this vital endeavor of bringing about the Beloved Community, howsoever they may do so, are in communication and working collaboratively. Read more…
Learn more about:
Faith Action Ministry
Racial Justice Ministry
Social Action Ministry
Faith Expression and Funding Team
All would welcome your thoughts, questions, and participation. They can be reached at CFA@uucwc.org.
Last Chance to Sign Up for ARE Classes
Last chance to sign up for these Adult Religious Education Classes:
- Chalice Circle via videoconference
- Living the 8th Principle
- Transgender Inclusion in Congregations
- Rise Up and Call Her Name
Coming in Nov/Dec
- Learning to Pray
- Coming in to Connection
Read more…
Cena Latina to Benefit the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund (LALDEF)
Community Dinner
and Fundraiser
October 19 at 5pm
Purchase your tickets online or at the Faith Action Ministry table on Sunday. There is also an option to attend just the presentation and dessert.
More information here.

UU FaithAction NJ
Fall Issues Conference
October 19, 10am – 3:30pm Central Unitarian Church
The agenda includes a panel discussion on racially baised mass incarceration in NJ and the effects on juveniles sentenced to adult prison facilities.
All conference materials will be emailed to registered participants one week prior to the conference. Please bring your own reusable water bottle. There is no admittance fee for the conference, however, as in past years, they will be collecting a suggested $20 donation at the door to cover the cost of lunch. Register here.


Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org