Endowment Fund Announces Awards

by Bonnie Gilbert, Co-chair, Endowment Committee

The Endowment Committee is pleased to announce that, due to the growth of the fund during 2023, grants could be awarded this year. After reviewing applications from various committees and ministries, the Endowment Committee made these awards:

To the Earth and Climate Ministry for work in the mechanical room and for solar system data acquisition: $3,250.

To the Racial Justice Ministry for its speaker series: $3,600.

Toward our ministerial intern’s stipend: $3,000.

Also, $7,000 has been set aside for anticipated accessibility improvements to the dais.

The Endowment Fund’s growth depends on the current contributions and bequests of our members. Information is available in the lobby to assist members and friends in making “Endowment Fund Bequests.” The brochure provides information on specific language to place in your will. Please consider naming UUCWC, specifically the Endowment Fund at UUCWC, in your will.

Bonnie Gilbert and Mike Hanson, Co-chairs