It Ain’t About the Money – Really – Meet the Stewardship Team

by Jane Root and Scott Blaydon, Co-chairs, Stewardship

If you’ve spent any time in churches, or other places of worship, you probably know all about “stewardship.” You may have even been asked to serve on the stewardship team. “Oh no,” you replied, “I hate asking people for money!”

We don’t know how stewardship got such a distorted reputation. We think it’s because people confuse stewardship with ASKING when, in fact, the purpose of stewardship is GIVING. The Stewardship Committee identifies opportunities for the congregation to support and sustain our church as it fulfills its mission: Celebrating Life, Creating Community and Changing the World.

Recently, we asked our stewardship team what they think of when they hear the term “stewardship.” “Maintaining those things I care most about,” said one member. “Ensuring sufficient resources are available so the church can do its important activities,” replied another. It means “serving as keepers, caretakers” and it is “one of the ways we have of fulfilling the ministry of our church.”

You’ll be hearing more about this approach to stewardship in future communications. But first we’d like to introduce the members of the team: Scott Blaydon, Leon Brooks, Anne Godlasky, Ron Iannacone, Denny Rodgers, Jane Root, David Schumann, and Klaus Zechner. Together we bring more than 140 years of commitment to Unitarian Universalism and to UUCWC.

Stewardship is one of the ways we fulfill the ministry of the congregation – growing, nurturing and supporting the spiritual life of UUCWC. Over the next few months, we’ll highlight some of these themes and show how your support makes a difference. Contact us at