Capital Campaign Project News

by Jayme Trott, Captial Campaign

Our UUCWC family has stepped up for Phase 3 of our Capital Campaign! As of December 1, the total pledged and/or donated is almost $195,000! This amount is two-thirds of the way toward our goal of $300,000. Thank you to everyone for generous one-time donations and for multiple-year pledges. Although our target date for pledges has passed, it’s not too late to contribute to the legacy of UUCWC!

We have been unable to reconcile contractual disagreements with BuildPro and have notified them that we are terminating the contract. We have received bids from two contractors to begin the first phase of construction and are developing a contract for signing shortly.

The demolition phase, which includes excavation and related concrete work, will begin as soon as permits are approved. The second phase will include the rest of the construction; bids are due December 15.

Here is a partial list of the changes to expect:

  • new street-level entrance to a foyer with ascending stairs to the sanctuary level, and an elevator serving the entry, sanctuary and lower levels
  • one additional office
  • replacement of the “storefront” windows and doors in the Crossings Room (and repair of the wall if needed)
  • addition of a small conference room attached to the Crossings Room;
  • upgrades to the kitchen
  • new flooring: sanctuary level lobby and hall, back staircase to lower-level classrooms, lower-level hallway, Crossings Room, and kitchen.

Capital Project plans and schematics can be found here. This is a work in progress but should give everyone a consistent source for up-to-date information on the project as we move forward.

Jayme Trott and Susan Vigilante, Co-Chairs, Capital Campaign