Sustaining Our Legacy: From Capital Campaign to Endowment Contributions

By Bonnie Gilbert, Co-Chair, Endowment Committee

We are all happy to have the Capital Campaign construction nearly complete and even happier that it is almost paid for. If you have completed, or almost completed, your Capital Campaign pledge, you may wonder what you can do to support the church and keep that tax deduction. Here’s what I’m doing, and you can do it too. When your Capital Campaign pledge finishes, you can save a bit for the end-of-year campaign and send the rest to the Church’s Endowment Fund.   

Anyone can contribute to the Endowment Fund at any time. There is no need to wait until your will kicks in to contribute. Our growing Endowment Fund bolsters our church’s future financial security and also makes funds available every year for special projects such as speakers for special events, guest musicians, improvements in our Zoom technology, plantings around the grounds and special technology for an Earth and Climate Ministry project. Just indicate on your check, PayPal, or Venmo that your contribution is for the Endowment Fund or End of Year campaign. Thank you for keeping this in mind and acting on it.