UU FaithAction NJ
UU Faith Action NJ (formerly the UU Legislative Ministry of New Jersey) is a statewide network of the 21 New Jersey Unitarian Universalist congregations.
Mission Statement
Grounded in our Unitarian Universalist faith, we are confronting systemic injustice and building a more compassionate society in New Jersey by:
Educating ourselves and others on social and political issues
Mobilizing individuals and congregations to act for justice
Advocating for equitable and sustainable public policy
Thanks to the ongoing participation and financial support of our 21 member congregations and individual donors, UU FaithAction provides both the advocacy and legislative leadership that both makes a real difference on issues of equity and justice, but also helps us build wider alliances between front-line communities, advocacy groups, legislators and key coalitions across the state.
Vision Statement
We envision a just New Jersey free from systemic oppression and greed, full of engaged people committed to each other, to our communities, and to the earth.
UU FaithAction NJ is involved working with the state of NJ in six vitally important aspects of justice. If you are willing to be involved in anyone or more of them, please click on the justice task force and look at what the task force is doing and how you can get involved.
- Environmental Justice – As Unitarian Universalists we are called upon to affirm and promote ‘respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
- Reparations – UU FaithAction NJ advocates for the creation of a New Jersey Reparations Task Force examining the issue in depth and make recommendations.
- Reproductive Justice – UU FaithAction NJ, representing the Unitarian Universalist congregations in New Jersey, stands together in faith to demand a system that provides adequate health care and treatment for all, including reproductive justice for all women.
- Immigration Reform – UU FaithAction NJ supports our immigrant neighbors.
- Gun Violence Prevention – The need for the enactment of common sense gun legislation has never been clearer.
- Criminal Justice Reform – Mass incarceration and the deprivation of human civil rights are disproportionately focused on people of color.
UU FaithAction NJ takes positions that are consonant with the values expressed in UUA and General Assembly policy statements.
UU FaithAction NJ also provides direct resources to congregations and our coalition allies:
- Local Policing/Black Lives Matter Congregational Toolkit
An interfaith project, spearheaded by UULMNJ, to educate local law enforcement and connect communities around and antiracist, violence-and-bias reduction agenda. - Legal Advocacy Project (LAP)
To advocate within the NJ courts on issues of justice and equity; to create and move through the NJ Legislature signature legislation reflecting UU values. Current UULMNJ sponsored legislation supports address confidentiality for women’s reproductive health care workers and clinicians. - Sanctuary Congregations/Sanctuary Cities
A project with the Immigration Task Force to educate and energize NJ UUs and allies to stand against overly harsh regulation of undocumented immigrants in our state.
Stand with us. This work is more important than ever: a moral voice for compassionate public policy right here in New Jersey. We can lead the way.
See https://www.uufaithaction.org/ for more information, or contact UUCWC’s congregational liaison, Mike Wilson.