I have heard from a number of folks who are wondering where we are in regard to hanging, or having a discussion to hang, a Black Lives Matter banner. As CFA, in coordination with the Right Relations Committee, move forward to plan Listening Circles, so all members of UUCWC may be in conversation about the banner and our ongoing racial justice work before a formal vote occurs, I have also reached out to the Hopewell Township Police. With the help of the UU Legislative Ministry of NJ, and our own people resources within UUCWC, It is my hope that in the near future we will begin a dialogue and partnership around this work.
Here is the letter I’ve recently sent to the Chief of Police. I will keep you all up posted as we move forward in these next steps.
To Whom it My Concern,
I am Rev. Kim Wildszewski and I serve the Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing (UUCWC) in Titusville, NJ. I’m writing to request a meeting with the Chief of Police, Lance Maloney, and any other official that might be appropriate or interested.
Over the last twelve months UUCWC has embarked on a year-long church-wide initiative to better understand white privilege and systemic racism in hopes of working toward racial justice as an expression of our faith. At this time, in line with the encouragement of our denominational leadership, as well as area Unitarian Universalist congregations, we are exploring the placement of a Black Lives Matter banner on our grounds.
We understand that this phrase and Movement holds a lot of power and ignites a lot of emotion. Out of respect for the process on which we’ve embarked, as well as for our local community officials, I would like to sit with Mr. Maloney and any other officer, to explore: how we might partner together in what is assumed to be a shared goal of racial justice; local Police response to the Black Lives Matter phrase and Movement; and how we can strengthen what has always been a positive relationship between UUCWC and Hopewell officials.
Your time and energy is appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you about a time in which we can connect in person.
With appreciation,
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing