Finding Joy Together!: Spring 2025 Auction
This year’s auction, Finding Joy Together! will be held online from Saturday April 26 through Saturday May 3, with items and price points for everyone!
- Our popular annual Spring Auction is UUCWC’s biggest fundraiser!
- The Auction builds community, offering many opportunities for us to get to know each other better throughout the year.
- Your participation helps to make it successful: proceeds account for close to 10% of our annual operational budget.
Best of all, this year half of the Auction proceeds over the targeted budget amount will be donated to the UUA Disaster Relief Fund to replenish the great needs now existing. This UUA Fund provides grants to UU Congregations and UU non-profit entities with the goal of restoring or enabling them to provide aid for addressing needs such as clean water, food, emergency shelter and structural damage. UUCWC’s support of this fund parallels the need to message the impact of climate change impacts and issues. Learn more about UUA Disaster Relief Fund here.
Auction Dates to remember:
- Contribution Form here – Submission deadline: Sunday March 31.
- Auction Books were distributed Sunday, April 20: (As a guide, last year’s Auction Book available online here).
- Registration on the online site begins April 20 (details to follow)
- Auction Preview Party on Friday, April 25 at 6:00 pm: pm: Entertainment & Refreshments, Display of Items, Door Prizes and Raffle Baskets. Online Demo/Registration Assistance! Advance Tickets $25/person; $30 at door. Must be present to win Door Prize. Payment for tickets via cash, check, PayPal or Venmo (note “For Auction Party”).
- Virtual online auction begins Saturday, April 26, 9:00 am. Bidding continues all week!
- Last chance to bid is Saturday, May 3, by 9:00 pm.
- Our online auction site will include graphic representations of each item being offered. There’s something for you in this year’s auction, at all price points.
- Many contribution tips are available: Affordable Ideas here; Family-Friendly Ideas here; Contribution Ideas & Info here; Overview here; Contribution Form here.
New to the auction or want a review?
For info and help with the online auction site, these How To Demos are available here:
Enjoy this video showing a sampling of Auction opportunities for fun, food and fellowship here:
The Auction Team is available in the lobby after Sunday worship services. Get information in the weekly emails and the CrossCurrents newsletter.
For questions or more information, contact the auction team of Barbara Drew, Lori O’Neil, Jayme Trott, or Marcia Wittmann at