Capital Campaign/Project Update – March 2019

The Capital Campaign Steering Committee presented preliminary architectural drawings to the Board and Church Council during February, and to interested congregants during the Middle Hour on March 3rd.

Since then, we have hired a civil engineer (Van Note Harvey) who will work to obtain the required approvals from governing agencies. We have also begun to schedule programming meetings that will help us to determine the optimal use of interior spaces that might be included in planned renovations. Final architectural plans will be based on the outcome of these meetings, governing agency approvals, and the limits of our budget.

If you haven’t yet made a commitment to support the Capital Project, please consider doing so. Recall that our original “wish list” came with a $1.7 million estimated price tag, and the goal we ultimately decided on (at the recommendation of our consultant) is $1.1 million. We have $920,000 pledged so far. The higher our pledge commitments, the more “wish list” items we will be able to include in the renovation plans.

Keep an eye out for news bulletins on the UUCWC website, the lobby screen, and these monthly CrossCurrents updates!

Jayme Trott and Susan Vigilante, Co-Chairs, Capital Campaign Committee