As We Head Into the Holiday Season, What Are You Thankful for at UUCWC?

by Jamie Evanini, Vice-President, UUCWC Board of Trustees

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which means our thoughts turn to raking leaves, eating turkey, and remembering what we’re thankful for. On my own personal gratitude list, you’ll find UUCWC! I’m so grateful to have a community of people with whom I’ve had the chance to build a relationship over the course of years. It enriches my life so much, especially in the uncertain and isolating times we’re living in. This congregation has been my home-away-from-home.

I asked my fellow Board of Trustee members this question: What are you thankful for at UUCWC? Echoing throughout all their answers is their experience of community, “our extended UUCWC family,” as Treasurer Joe Schenk puts it.

President Maria Baratta is thankful for “the light and love that shines through in all aspects of our church life, whether we are doing the hard work of trying to make the world a better place or sharing in a spiritual journey of discovery. The generous spirits of our members, friends and staff give me hope year round.”

This light, love and generosity is sustained by our staff. For Trustee Wendy Stasolla, they are the foundation on which our community is built: “I’m thankful for Rev. Kim and our stellar staff who keep our wonderful community stimulated, engaged, and well supported!”

This support means UUCWC can have an impact on the wider community, and that’s what Trustee Heather Edwards is thankful for: “I am thankful for the opportunity to work together with others from the congregation to try to make positive change both locally and nationally.” Trustee Gina Turner feels the same way: “I’m thankful for the social justice and political engagement of UUCWC!”

We need the generosity, support and feeling of engagement more than ever. As Trustee Jim Sanders says: “I am most thankful for this community that has for decades, but most importantly over the past three years, been a life-boat and a light-house in my day to day journey. This year, I feel deep gratitude.”

We on the Board hope that UUCWC has been “a life-boat and a light-house” for you too, and we’d love to hear what aspects of our community you are thankful for this year! Let us know at .