Please join us on Sundays at UUCWC as we strive to Create Community, Celebrate Life, Change the World. Our multi-platform Sunday services may be attended in person or online. If joining us in person, we continue to strongly recommend vaccination against Covid, including booster shots for all persons, but do not require vaccination; masking is optional.
Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at
In this issue:
Staff Additions at UUCWC, by the CrossCurrents Team
Trustee Takeaways from the Last Few Months at UUCWC, by Wendy Stasolla,
UUCWC Board of Trustees
We Are Your Voice – Share Your Thoughts and Your Wish List, by Holly Bussey,
Denominational Affairs Liaison
The Latest on the Capital Campaign, by Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign
We Did it Together: Keeping it Kindled! Surpasses Fundraising Goal!,
by Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee
Annual Meeting Reminder, by the CrossCurrents Team
UUCWC Vaccine Requirement Lifted, by the CrossCurrents Team
General Assembly Ware Lecture News, by Holly Bussey, Denominational Affairs Liaison
UUCluusters Inaugural Bike Ride, by Michael Howe Smith
Save The Date!, by the CrossCurrents Team
Staff Additions at UUCWC
Meet our new Director of Family Ministry, Julie Rigano,
who started their tenure with UUCWC this May.
In August, we will welcome Ministerial Intern, Lisa Schilansky, who will serve a two-year half-time residency with us.
Read more about Julie and Lisa here.
Trustee Takeaways from the Last Few Months at UUCWC
Wendy Stasolla, UUCWC Board of Trustees
Looking back, we’ve had a few eventful months here at our beloved UUCWC. A successful stewardship drive was followed by a goal-busting auction fundraiser, both of which will help keep us on solid ground as we strive to change the world.
We welcomed a new Director of Family Ministry, Julie Rigano, and will gain a Ministerial Resident, Lisa Schilansky, starting in August. My takeaway here is that others are excited to share our solid ground and create community with us.
We discussed the proposed changes to Article II of the UUA bylaws and had opportunities to ponder and weigh-in on just what is at the heart of our living tradition. Now, it’s up to our faithful delegates to bring our voice to General Assembly in June. I see this as UUCWC taking an active role in purposefully celebrating life as we reconsider the wording of the UU Principles.
And now looking forward, UUCWC’s annual meeting is almost here. June 4th to be exact. Whether you’re a member, friend, or interested participant, please join us as we celebrate our year of being in covenant with each other. You’ll get the inside scoop on how this church operates at a higher level than similar-sized congregations; you’ll hear survey results from the financial sustainability task force about our collective motivations for attending and supporting this community. You will hear up-to-the-minute news on our soon-to-begin building construction, and you’ll be among the first to know who has won our Distinguished Service and Flaming Chalice awards, as well as who will be doing what on which committees and ministries in the coming months. Join us!
Finally, if you take away nothing else from this article, know that UUCWC continues to be outstanding because of the collective wisdom, passion, energy, and love that each of you contributes.
We Are Your Voice – Share Your Thoughts and Your Wish List
Holly Bussey, Denominational Affairs Liaison
The nine of us attending the UUA General Assembly (GA), starting on June 21, are getting very excited! Six of us will attend in person, in Pittsburgh, and the rest will participate virtually. The six of us attending as delegates represent YOUR voices and thoughts as well as UUCWC in the greater UU World.
Between now and June 21, please drop us a note or let us know what’s on your mind about Unitarian Universalism. If there is a topic or concern, let us know. GA sessions are wide-ranging. There will be sessions covering things like Finance, Youth and Young Adult involvement, the Environment, and the proposal to move from our Principles to Value Statements. We encourage UUCWC leaders to reach out and let us know the topics of interest to their committees and ministries. We’ll try our best to attend appropriate sessions. Read more here…
Photo of GA attendees includes, clockwise from top left: Jane Root, Jennifer Ciccolini*, Klaus Zechner, Alison Streit-Baron*, Maria Baratta, Jim Sanders*, Holley Bussey*, Dan Tuft* and Heather Edwards*. (* denotes GA delegate status).
The Latest on the Capital Campaign
Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign
Status: The Hopewell Township Planning Board memorialized the approved UUCWC site plan. There remained a few minor contingencies that have been addressed and documentation has been submitted back to the Township. We have signed a contract with BuildPro to be our general contractor, and they will begin the building permit process soon. While the permitting process proceeds, our staff will be reaching out to congregants for assistance with packing up offices and the kitchen and moving everything to storage. We will need to hire professionals to move heavier furniture and kitchen appliances but anticipate being able to store everything on-site without renting pods.
Timeline: Ground-breaking is anticipated in July and construction should take about 6 months. The sanctuary will be accessible throughout construction, although once demolition of the church front has commenced, entrance and egress will be through the back of the building. New walkways from the parking addition to the stairs by the offices and to the sanctuary side door (with ramp) will be constructed early in the project.
For those who may not recall (it HAS been six years since we started this project, after all), look here for a partial list of the changes to expect.
Read more here…
We Did it Together: Keeping it Kindled! Surpasses Fundraising Goal!
Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee
UUCWC’s fourth online auction “Keeping it Kindled!” was a very successful event as a fun-raiser and fundraiser, from the kick-off party to the lively and competitive bidding on several items just before the close at 9 pm on May 6. Having a targeted amount of $31,050 for our annual operating budget, we are pleased to announce that we surpassed that goal by approximately $6000, enabling a substantial contribution to a social justice organization. Since 2019, the Council for Faith in Action has designated a social justice organization to receive 50% of any surplus funds, in accordance with a congregational vote authorizing this procedure. The recipient of this year’s surplus funds is Snipes Farms.
Baby goats, Shepherd’s Pie and Santa Claus may not sound like they have something in common but they do – they all were offers for services or events in our auction! Not just a fundraiser, Auction 2023 provided many opportunities for connecting with other UUCWC members through hosted events such as “Feed the Baby Goats,” offered by new members Karen and Andy Damato and the annual favorite of “Here Comes Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus, too,” offered by Roger and Lynda Shapiro. Specialty and custom prepared foods are also popular items in our annual auctions, and Bonnie Ruekgauer’s Shepherd’s Pie is just one delicious example. With over 260 generous and interesting offerings for skilled services, meals and items, our congregants demonstrated the “warmth of community.”
After three years without an in-person gathering, our April 28th Kick-off Party proved to be a fun evening for almost 100 congregants who enjoyed the professional jazzy music of Elijah Coles and Chris Oatts while noshing on delectable hors d’oeuvres such as Salmon or Spicy Black Bean & Sweet Potato Sliders provided by Mike Muccioli and his kitchen crew. Read more here…
Save the Date! (June 11)
Spring Picnic & Jazz Band, Sunday, June 11, following our 100th Anniversary Flower Ceremony service! Main dish will be provided. Suggested donation of $1 to help fund future musical offerings.
Please bring something to share:
A-K: Salads or sides
L-P: Drinks
Q-Z: Desserts
Annual Meeting Reminder
This Sunday, June 4th, at 11:30, UUCWC will hold our multiplatform Annual Meeting.You can attend in person or virtually.
The primary purpose of this meeting is to approve the operating budget and to hold elections for church leadership. All are welcome to attend; only members can vote and can do so online or in-person. In accordance with our bylaws, a quorum of members is necessary to transact business at this meeting, so your attendance is vital.
Annual Meeting materials have been sent via email.
UUCWC Vaccine Requirement Lifted
Over the last three years, the Board, Staff and our leadership teams have worked diligently and transparently to create the most holistic and values-driven care we could provide during the Covid-19 public health emergency. We are so proud of the ways UUCWC has pivoted, grieved and grown.
Now, in light of current public health conditions, though we continue to strongly recommend vaccination, including booster shots for all persons, we will no longer be requiring vaccination in order to participate in in-person congregational events.
Masks and vaccines have proven to be effective and safe, and we are grateful for the medical science that provided these effective means of protection against a deadly and pernicious disease. UUCWC will continue to offer masks for those who wish to use them. May we continue to be vigilant in our care for one another.
General Assembly Ware Lecture News
One of the highlights of General Assembly (GA) each year is the WARE LECTURE. This year’s Ware Lecturer is Dr. Imani Perry. Dr. Perry is the Hughes-Rogers Professor of African American Studies at Princeton and the author of many acclaimed books. Dr. Perry’s writings are available through the UUA bookstore and can be found here. The Ware Lecture may be televised (stay tuned) or available later to non-GA attendees.
UUCluusters Bike Ride
Michael Howe-Smith
May 5th saw the inaugural ride of our Bicycling Cluuster. We, seven of us, met at Bulls Island car park and, led by Linda Vogt, set off up the NJ side towpath towards Frenchtown, where we had lunch. Then, we rode back down the NJ trail to Bulls Island, a total of 18 miles for our round trip.
The formula for this ride is one we are likely to repeat. Start at a place with parking and clean bathrooms. Ride a route that avoids roads open to motor vehicles. Turn round at a place that offers lunch and clean bathrooms. Then return to the starting point via the same, or a similar, route.
Next ride? We’ll likely start from Scudders Falls Shared Use Parking, ride to Lambertville on the NJ towpath, lunch and return to the Start point. A shade under 20 miles, round trip.
If you are interested in joining us, email Michael Howe-Smith using the email address in the church directory.

UUCWC friends enjoying a bike ride and lunch.
Please participate in the RaiseRight fundraising program. Easily purchase gift cards for use at many of your usual shopping venues and receive the full card value, while UUCWC receives a donation of anywhere from 4% to 12% of the card’s value. Look here to review the details.
Read UU World, the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Read about UU Faith Action, New Jersey’s issues and social justice advocacy voice, connecting New Jersey UU congregations. Pennsylvania’s counterpart is UUJusticePA.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | |