Please join us on Sundays 

as we strive to Create Community, Celebrate Life, Change the World.

Our multi-platform Sunday services may be attended in person or online.  

If joining us in person, we advocate, but do not require,

vaccination against Covid. Masking is optional.

Welcome to CrossCurrents!  Your comments are welcome at

In this issue:

The Possibilities of Our Generosity, by Rev. Kim Wildszewski

What Can Making Amends Look Like in Today’s World, by Lisa Schilansky, Ministerial Intern

Mid-year Update on Our Church Finances,

by Jim Sanders, Finance Chair, and Denny Rodgers, Treasurer

Democracy in Action Beyond Our Church Doors,

by Mike Wilson and Leslie McGeorge, Faith Action Ministry

Wanted – A UUCWC Member to Represent Us, by Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs

Celebrating Our Connections Through UUCWC’s 2024 Online Auction,

by Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee

Generosity of Spirit, by Scott Blaydon, Stewardship Team

Capital Campaign and Construction Update, by Jayme Trott, Capital Campaign

Do You Know About Loaves and Fishes,

by Ed Dobrowolski and Ronnie Dobrowolski, Social Action Ministry

Exciting Musical Guests Are Coming This Spring, by Dr. Erin Busch, Director of Music Ministry

Other News

A Note From the Endowment Team

A Note From the Food Ministry

The Possibilities of Our Generosity

Rev. Kim Wildszewski

Everyone keeps saying: This is a once in a generation moment! And perhaps they’re right: The capital project, the staff team, the ways we are rethinking the use of our space and the way we engage our children, the depth of our relationships, the power of ritual and song, the purpose of our commitments. It’s a nice catch phrase – once in a generation – and I’m starting to believe it myself.

At UUCWC, we have always been ready and willing to say yes to wherever the spirit, the world, our people have called us. It’s not surprising to me that we’ve found ourselves (put ourselves) in this perfect time and location for something beautiful and powerful and new to unfurl. It’s not surprising to me that we are one of the very few congregations around the country that does not consider itself in hospice.

But, let’s be honest, it is a different thing to not entirely know what’s coming next – and still say a resounding Yes. To give our gifts of time, trust, energy, and money toward an ever-unfolding, somewhat unclear, future. And this is exactly what we’re asking for this year.

This is a rare moment in the life of this remarkable congregation. One that is filled with possibilities and depth, stability, and sustainability within our walls and in our work outside them. Thank you for your trust, your enthusiasm, and your generosity. The only way forward is together.

What Can Making Amends Look Like in Today’s World

Lisa Schilansky, Ministerial Intern

Every year the Unitarian Universalist Association selects a book for the Common Read. The Association then produces a curriculum for UU adults to use in discussing the book. The UUA provides additional materials for folks who do not join a book discussion. This church year’s Common Read is On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg. In her book, the author takes a compelling look at various personal and global conflicts, set in the framework of Maimonides’ Five Stages of Repentance. Maimonides was a twelfth century philosopher and Jewish law scholar. His writings are often cited and used by rabbis today.

As Rabbi Ruttenberg is quick to point out, Maimonides spoke about the concept of repentance, not of forgiveness. The five stages explain how one is to do the hard work of repair when one harms another. This is much more than an “I’m sorry.” This is deep, spiritual work, that requires true transformation.

Read more here

Mid-year Update on Our Church Finances

Jim Sanders, Finance Chair, and Denny Rodgers, Treasurer

U.S. presidents declare in their State of the Union address each year that “the state of our Union is sound;” we too can say unequivocally that the state of our church is financially sound!

We are in the first year of our tenure as financial leadership representatives, having inherited from our predecessors several key items. They include:

  • a period of balanced budgets
  • completed financial and financial procedure audits
  • a successful capital program that has moved into construction
  • a coordinated theme for all aspects of fundraising activities for the church year based on our work in Soul Matters
  • a healthy and energized team of fundraisers made up of Stewardship, Auction, Endowment, Capital Campaign, and Fundraising who meet monthly in support of each other.

We have completed the first seven months of our church year (July 2023 – January 2024) and share the following numbers that show we are running at budget with our income and at or below our expenses. Expenses are lower because our construction costs will be covered first by church capital pledge gifts BEFORE we start using our bank loan. We will share specifics about anticipated savings during the budgeting preparation process in the spring.

Read more here

Democracy in Action Beyond Our Church Doors

Mike Wilson and Leslie McGeorge, Faith Action Ministry

As Unitarian Universalists, we should all be interested in our democracy and how to make it work better for everyone. The word democracy means “the people rule.” If you think about it, all that we cherish and depend on for our freedoms, and a sustainable world, requires a healthy democracy. The extent to which we all participate in sharing the responsibilities of ruling directly results in the strength or weakness of democracy.

There are twenty-six state-based UU social advocacy networks in the country, including one for New Jersey, UUFaithActionNJ, and one for Pennsylvania, UUJusticePA, covering most of UUCWC’s members and friends. These two organizations provide us with key opportunities to get directly involved with democracy and faith-based advocacy, and to work together to change the world. If you would like to stay informed about the activities and actions of the New Jersey and Pennsylvania faith action networks, please email and ask to be added to the distribution list. And consider joining our church postcarding efforts or other advocacy actions announced through this distribution list and UUCWC for both state networks.

Read more here...

Wanted – A UUCWC Member to Represent Us

Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs

Before you know it, June will be here and so will the 63rd Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly (GA) – Thursday, June 20 through Sunday, June 23. This year, GA takes place completely online. There is still time to register for the full event (workshops, business sessions, special programs) OR the “business portion” only. Do not be fooled—the business option is a wonderful way to learn about the work the UUA is doing worldwide. Look here for more detailed information, including a video, about GA.

This year’s GA theme is “Love Unites, Stories Ignite.” Read more here about the theme celebrating the profound impact of love as a binding force that transcends boundaries and fosters connections within our faith community and beyond.

Meanwhile, we are looking for a member to serve as a delegate. Delegates represent UUCWC and vote for actions affecting the UUA. You should have been a member of UUCWC for at least two years, be willing to pre-read materials for the business meetings (early June) and have a good understanding of the issues.  Read more here

Celebrating Our Connections Through UUCWC’s 2024 Online Auction

Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee

UUCWC has been hosting the annual Auction for more than thirty years. It’s a tried-and-true event, but it’s never tiring to support the church through our collective innovation and fun ideas. Once again, we invite you to explore the many reasons to contribute an item, event, service, craft, or gift card to support our community and participate in the bidding and purchasing during the auction event. Examples of the items you could offer, bid on, and purchase follow each of our top ten reasons for joining in the 2024 Auction, Celebrating Our Connections, May 5 through 11.

Read more about the top ten reasons and how you can participate here...

A Note From the Endowment Team

Very positive gains on our Endowment fund means that Endowment Grants are available for projects next year!  Look here for more information and for application materials.  The deadline for grant applications is noon on March 24. Don’t delay!

Generosity of Spirit

Scott Blaydon, Stewardship Team

The annual Stewardship pledge drive is in full swing! Everyone contributes to the church in a myriad of ways; however, the annual pledge is so essential to the continued vitality and functioning of our ministry, programs, staff positions, buildings, and grounds. This year’s theme—The Gifts of our Faith: Generosity of Spirit—reflects on how and why UUCWC is such a wonderful community to support and experience. Please give as generously as you can.

The pledge drive runs through Sunday, March 24. Personalized pledge forms were distributed at the February 25th Sunday service or have been mailed. Pledge forms can be filled out and returned via the mail; you may also make your pledge online here.

Capital Campaign and Construction Update

Jayme Trott, Capital Campaign Team

Thanks to all the generous members and friends who pledged and donated to the Capital Campaign, we are in very good financial shape. Key project elements, financial information. and construction progress can be found in detail here.

Do You Know About Loaves and Fishes?

Ed Dobrowolski and Ronnie Dobrowolski, Social Action Ministry

If you are new to UUCWC, you may not know the story behind Loaves and Fishes, one of our congregation’s longest-running social action outreach efforts. Loaves and Fishes is an organization that provides weekend meals for the homeless and working poor at various locations in Trenton. Twice a month that weekend meal is served at St Mary’s Cathedral in Trenton. Food is provided for those meals by different congregations and social justice organizations in Mercer County.

For more than 30 years, UUCWC and the UU Congregation of Princeton (UUCP) have partnered on a Saturday in the spring to provide a Saturday sit-down hot meal and a take-out meal when Loaves and Fishes is at St. Mary’s. This year, UUCWC and UUCP will be providing the meal on Saturday, March 30th.

Commit to help and read more here.

Exciting Musical Guests Are Coming This Spring

Dr. Erin Busch, Director of Music Ministry

One of my goals as your music director is to bring new voices and musical experiences into our Sunday services. I hope to accomplish this, not only through diverse programming, but also through our guest musician series. I’m excited to share a terrific lineup of performers who will join us this spring! Please mark March 10 and 17, April 7, May 5, and June 9 on your calendars and be sure to attend in person if you can do so.  Read more about our special musical guests here.

A Note From the Food Ministry

The Food Ministry is grateful to everyone who donated to the February Food Drive for HomeFront. FM team members delivered 225 items of canned goods, pasta, spices, yogurt, and Enfamil baby formula to HomeFront last week. The value of all the items donated is estimated to be close to $850. Thank you all for your generosity.

Read UU World, the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing

268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ  08560

609-737-0515  |  |