By Al Johnson, Earth and Climate Ministry Co-chair
Allie’s Organic Garden is operated by UUCWC’s Earth and Climate Ministry (ECM) to provide produce for local food aid programs. All 2024 produce has now been harvested with the help of children in the Youth Faith Engagement Program in coordination with Julie Rigano, Family Ministry Director.
Growing conditions of excessive heat and dryness made this year challenging, but the yields were decent. A team of volunteers, including our staff, helped with watering. In keeping with UUCWC’s principles and the ECM’s mission, our total produce of 30 pounds of sweet potatoes, 3 pounds of butternut squash, and 60 pounds of carrots has been donated to the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (courtesy of Denny Rodgers).
Earth and Climate Ministry would like to thank the many members of our congregation who have helped. The kitchen scraps (vegetables only) that many of our congregants have contributed to the compost bin and the Grounds Committee’s contribution of leaves from the church grounds have increased our soil’s organic matter and fertility. Faith Engagement children also helped plant our crops in the spring, while volunteers helped water, weed, and harvest. Thank you, UUCWC, for making this year’s garden a success in providing food to those in need in our area.
At the December 8th harvest of the carrots, when tasting a small sample of the carrot top greens otherwise destined for the compost pile, Toby Wildszewski and a friend said it best by enthusiastically chanting, “This tastes good, this tastes good!”