By Scott Cullen, CrossCurrents Editor
It’s been over two months since Marilyn Gonzalez started her new job at UUCWC as church administrator. I’m sure some of you have had the pleasure of meeting her, while others have yet to have that opportunity. I met Marilyn during her first week at UUCWC. Since then, she’s helped provide me with technical support and guidance as we both learn how to use the new version of our newsletter program.
Whether you’ve met Marilyn or not, it’s time to get to know her better. The following Q&A, which includes some fun questions, will paint a more vivid picture of Marilyn beyond the short bio on the church website. It may also provide a few icebreakers next time you see her.
How did you first become a UU?
Marilyn: Having spent my first thirty years living and working in New York City, I moved to Northern Virginia to work at PBS headquarters in Alexandria. Up until then, Catholicism was a big part of my life as a Latina, but when I moved to Virginia in 1999, things changed. Catholicism was no longer a good fit, and I needed to find a new community that better aligned with my values. I took an online quiz that suggested Unitarian Universalism, so I looked for a church I could try out. I ended up finding my home at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax in Oakton, Virginia, and never looked back.
You just started your new role at UUCWC in September; what’s the best part of the job so far?
Marilyn: Being part of such an amazing team has been the best part by far. Rev. Kim and the rest of the staff here are wonderful. The staff are thoughtful in what they bring each day and how they take care of each other and the members of this church. Everyone has ownership of what they do, so we’re all invested in being successful and supporting each other. It’s great to work with such like-minded, caring, and kind people.
What’s the most challenging part?
Marilyn: Being an office administrator is tough, but coming into the job in the middle of a full-scale construction job is bonkers. Jumping into this has felt like trial by fire at times, but I enjoy the challenge, and having a great team to work with is the key. The volunteers dedicated to this project are brilliant, and I have so much respect for them all.
What are some things you haven’t had an opportunity to do in your new role that you’re looking forward to doing?
Marilyn: With construction in full swing, my energy and attention to most things are spent in short bursts. I have met so many people in the last few months, but it will be nice to get to know people more in-depth. Now that construction is almost over and we are all in our actual office spaces, I plan to focus more on getting to know people better.
What’s impressed you the most about the people you’ve met at UUCWC, including the staff?
Marilyn: The sense of humor is outstanding! I laugh so much here. We also have some talented bakers who keep me well-snacked during the crazier days. Honestly, the most impressive thing is how quickly everyone has made me feel welcome. I already feel genuinely close to people, which says so much about the people in this community.
What’s the best advice you ever received?
Marilyn: You can’t control the chaos around you, but you can control how you handle the chaos.
What’s the worst advice you ever received?
Marilyn: Don’t move to New Jersey, you’ll hate it.
Tell us a little about your background in television and radio. It sounds interesting.
Marilyn: After graduating college, I bounced around for a little bit, doing short stints at WCBS Radio, USA Network, and the Sci-Fi Channel. In 1993, I landed a job in the production department at Comedy Central. Comedy was in its early stages of life, just after the merger of the Ha! and Comedy Channels. I worked in the traffic department, where I managed the flow of information from production to air. Working at Comedy in the 90’s was something! I was there when The Daily Show first went on air and when South Park became a sensation. I remember riding the elevator with a young Jon Stewart and seeing comedians wander the halls. It was a whirlwind and after six years, I decided I wanted something different. I left commercial television and New York City to work for the PBS Headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. I worked as the liaison to the PBS member stations around the country and did some business analysis there until I left the business altogether to raise my kids.
Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
Marilyn: I didn’t actually ‘meet’ her, but I rode the elevator with Meryl Streep for a few heart-stopping moments. When I was nine, my dad introduced me to Sir Richard Burton, who had the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. My dad was a doorman on the Upper East Side, right next to the Solomon Guggenheim Museum, and Mr. Burton was filming a movie in the building.
You’re an avid international soccer fan; what teams do you follow?
Marilyn: Chelsea Football Club is my obsession. I follow international leagues and teams such as Barcelona, Dortmund, and Paris St. Germain, but none compare to the English Premier League and my Chelsea men and women’s teams. I became a Chelsea fan in 2012 when I saw Didier Drogba score an insane header in the Champions League final against Bayern Munich. Best day ever!
Ronaldo or Messi?
Marilyn: Messssssssiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! I always say I’m lucky to have been alive to see him play.
In the spirit of the social platform Lettrboxd where people share their favorite movies, and the Letterboxd YouTube site that interviews filmmakers about their favorite movies, what are your four favorite movies?
Marilyn: This is a tough one, as next to watching soccer, my next favorite thing to do is watch movies. I have an IMDB brain and can remember actors and actresses’ names/movies/roles like sports stats! A few would be Splendor in the Grass, Forrest Gump, The Odd Couple, and The Empire Strikes Back. I’m all over the place on that one!
Favorite food?
Marilyn: My mom’s Puerto Rican style roast pork (Pernil), rice & beans.
You are invited to Kim’s house for dinner. What’s the one food you can’t stand that you pray is not on the menu?
Marilyn: Salmon…unfortunately, I can’t stand the taste.
Your bio on the church website says you like to travel. What’s the best place you’ve ever traveled to, and why?
Marilyn: Croatia, it is such a beautiful country with the nicest people. The architecture and mix of cultures in the northern part of the country are amazing. I can’t wait to go back.
What’s the one place you haven’t been to that you would love to visit?
Marilyn: There’s a lot of places I’d love to go but high on my list is Lisbon, Portugal. My daughter’s college soccer team is planning a trip there and I’m trying to see if I can fit in her gear bag!
What’s the one thing you’re really good at that everyone at UUCWC would be surprised to hear?
Marilyn: I don’t know that I’m ‘really good’ but when I was a member of the UU Congregation of Fairfax, I occasionally sang with the house band. I also sang with the Comedy Central House Band when we participated in the annual Citymeals on Wheels Media Battle of the Bands. It was a fun time, and we performed on some fun New York City stages, such as Tramps and the old Roseland Ballroom.
If you’d like to contact Marilyn about anything church related or to ask her a question I neglected to ask, you can reach her via email at uucwc@uucwc.org (Susan Irgang’s old church email address.). You’ll also find her in the office Tuesdays through Thursdays from 9-4. On Mondays and Fridays, she works from home.