Food Ministry Meals for September
The Food Ministry program is supported by like you. Here’s how you can help.
Join us Sunday mornings at 10am online HERE.
The Food Ministry program is supported by like you. Here’s how you can help.
With your help, UUCWC’s Food Ministry has provided 21,625 nutritious meals to those in need since 2011. Can you help with donations this month?
A-D: Boneless Chicken Thighs/Breast E-G: Frozen Mixed Veggies H-L: Fruit Cups M-P: Granola Bars Q-T: Chicken broth/stock, unsalted or low salt U-Z: Ritz Crackers
Loaves and Fishes Sign-Up Click here to Sign-Up for Loaves and Fishes. You’ll be taken to a Signupgenius page where you’ll see the list of tasks needed to make lunches on Friday and prepare and serve the meals on Saturday. Instructions for Signupgenius: Click the button labeled “Sign Up” for the applicable slot. Click on … Continue reading Sign-Up for Loaves and Fishes
Every month the Food Ministry delivers over 200 nutritious meals to those affected by homelessness and hunger. Items Needed this month: 85% ground beef frozen mixed vegetables fruit cups granola bars ————————————- Monthly total of hot meals delivered – 240 Monthly total of cold meals delivered – 30 Total meals served since April 2011: 20,585
Loaves and Fishes Sign-Up Click here to Sign Up for Loaves and Fishes. You’ll be taken to a Sign-Up Genius page where you’ll see the list of tasks needed to make lunches on Friday and prepare and serve the meals on Saturday. Instructions for Sign Up Genius: Click the button labeled “Sign Up” for the … Continue reading Fishes
What Is Loaves and Fishes? Loaves and Fishes is our annual church-wide, social justice project that involves up to 100 members. On one weekend, we prepare 600 bag lunches and prepare and serve up to 600 hot meals. This year the dates are March 26 and 27. This page describes the typical Loaves and Fishes … Continue reading What is Loaves and Fishes?
Items Needed this month: boneless chicken breasts frozen mixed vegetables fruit cups granola bars.
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The next meeting of the Natural Cosmology Group will take place on Wednesday, March 6 at 7 PM at UUCWC. We’ll be discussing the work of Elizabeth Kolbert the author of “The Sixth Extinction”. A few of us attended her lecture at Princeton. George summarizes the points she made here: She’s not optimistic: trends are … Continue reading You’re Invited: Natural Cosmology Meeting March 6