Author: Ed Dobrowolski

Food Ministry July Donations

A-D: Boneless Chicken Thighs/Breast
E-G: Frozen Mixed Veggies
H-L: Fruit Cups
M-P: Granola Bars
Q-T: Chicken broth/stock, unsalted or low salt
U-Z: Ritz Crackers

Food Ministry April 2019

Every month the Food Ministry delivers over 200 nutritious meals to those affected by homelessness and hunger. Items Needed this month:

85% ground beef

frozen mixed vegetables

fruit cups

granola bars


Monthly total of hot meals delivered – 240

Monthly total of cold meals delivered – 30

Total meals served since April 2011:  20,585
… read more.

What is Loaves and Fishes?

What Is Loaves and Fishes?
Loaves and Fishes is our annual church-wide, social justice project that involves up to 100 members. On one weekend, we prepare 600 bag lunches and prepare and serve up to 600 hot meals. This year the dates are March 26 … read more.

Food Ministry for February

These items are needed by the Food Ministry this month:

85% Ground Beef

Canned Beans – pinto, kidney or black

Tomatoes – Crushed or Pealed

Deadline February 10


Trusting News in the Misinformation Age

On Sunday, January 27, 2019, UUCWC member Anne Godlasky gave a talk during the middle hour called Trusting News in the Misinformation Age. Attended by about 30 people she provided helpful hints for navigating the new world of news and fake news.
Here are links to … read more.