Chilly in April?
Chili not Chilly! Can you help the Food Ministry with the ingredients for the April meal of Beef Chili?
Join us Sunday mornings at 10am online HERE.
Chili not Chilly! Can you help the Food Ministry with the ingredients for the April meal of Beef Chili?
For more than 30 years, UUCWC and the Princeton UU Congregation have joined together to feed 600 working poor and homeless people once per year. There are two phases to this effort: On Friday night March 30, we’ll make 600 bagged lunches (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches) for distribution on Saturday. We also need brownies … Continue reading Loaves and Fishes 2018 – March 30 & 31
Where can you hear six Unitarian Universalist Choirs plus our own Crossings Chorale in one place? Right here at UUCWC! On Sunday, March 10th the 4th Annual UU MUUsic Festival will be held in the Sanctuary at UUCWC. You’ll be able to hear many styles of choral music from classical to jazz-inspired works. Best of … Continue reading MUUsic for UU – March 10
Click here for details!
This Month the Food Ministry will be making Shepherd’s Pie. Please donate these ingredients by February 11th. 85% ground beef canned tomato sauce canned chicken broth Betty Crocker instant mashed potatoes frozen mixed vegetables granola bars fruit cups
Please join other members of the UUCWC community at HomeFront for a variety of tasks in support of HomeFront’s Mission. We’ll be working at the HomeFront warehouse organizing and sorting donated food items in the warehouse and food pantry. January, 15 from 9 AM to Noon. Homefront Warehouse 1880 Princeton Ave, Lawrenceville Please email Ronnie … Continue reading The Martin Luther King Day of Service is Monday, January 15.
While we’re celebrating the holidays, remember that the Food Ministry needs these food items so they can prepare Pasta and Beef Sauce in January. Thank you! Thank you!
The Food Ministry Meal for December is Chili. The following Items are needed by 12/10: – 85% ground beef – canned crushed tomatoes – tomato paste – canned beans: black, pinto or kidney beans – fruit cups Please place all … Continue reading Chili in December – Food Ministry