Author: Lynne Quinto

Developing the Board Goals for 2018-19

by Marianne Alt, President, Board of Trustees

Each year the UUCWC Board of Trustees meets at a fall retreat in fellowship, deepening our understanding of our board duties and setting the goals for the year. This year, we began the process at the retreat by examining … read more.

Help Wanted – Treasurer

by Lynne Quinto, Treasurer

This is my fourth year serving as our community’s Treasurer, and per our bylaws we’ll need to elect a new Treasurer in June for a term starting in July 2019. The Treasurer is a member of the Board of Trustees and the … read more.

Annual Poinsettia Sale – December 9

December 9 is our annual Poinsettia sale. Please help support our Church by purchasing these beautiful Christmas flowers from Timothy’s Garden Center, for yourself, for gifts, or to donate to our sanctuary, for the holiday services.

For a special order, please contact

We Are a Welcoming Congregation for All

The Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing is proud to be a Welcoming Congregation for all. We support people who are transgender and will work to ensure their lives and personhood will not be erased.

UUCWC was one of the first five UU congregations in the … read more.

The Psychological Hug

by Lori Rahn, Right Relations Committee

We UU’s are terrific at hugging- physical hugging that is, but are we equally as good at “psychological hugs”?

According to Lawrence J. Bookbinder, PhD, a psychological hug is a feeling that one gets when one has been listened to and … read more.

RJI Praxis Group Update – June 2018

8. Institutional Transformation The congregation engages in critical self-assessment and seeks outside consultation to ensure that power structures and practices align with stated racial justice values and make space for diverse leadership and participation.

Our April Praxis area was Institutional Transformation. We will have one more … read more.