Author: Lynne Quinto

Our Covenant of Right Relations

From the Right Relations Committee

One aspect of a healthy congregation is having respectful ways in which we interact with one another. This responsibility is up to each of us by abiding by our Covenant of Right Relations. Our Covenant guides how we wish to behave … read more.

Public Protest/Upstander free training – Nov. 18

Sponsored by UU FaithAction NJ (formerly the UU Legislative Ministry of New Jersey)

A FREE two-part workshop on how to become a (better) social activist
Saturday, November 18th, 10:00 – 2:00 pm

Time: Part 1: 10am – 12noon = Upstander Training

Part 2: 12:00pm – 2pm = Protest … read more.

Introducing the Ministerial Intern Committee

From the Ministerial Intern Committee: Sonia Hardaway, Tim Murphy, Connie Rafle, Michael Waas, Regina Zilinski

We are incredibly pleased and proud that we have Sue Flynn with us here at UUCWC. In the 2016-2017 church year the Ministerial Intern Committee reviewed applications from several potential interns … read more.

What White People Can Do About Racism – Nov 4

UUCWC’s Racial Justice Initiative and Council for Faith in Action are co-sponsoring the workshop
What White People Can Do About Racism Fundamentals, Part 2
How to act against racism from a position of unearned (and unwanted) racial privilege
Saturday, November 4, 2017
9:30 … read more.

Women’s Spiritual Retreat at Murray Grove: Nov 3 – 5

Joyous Women Spiritual Retreat
A Weekend of Spirituality, Self Care and Fun
November 3 – 5, 2017
Murray Grove


Offering a series of spiritual workshops by Rev.Craig Hirshberg:

Connecting with Spirit
Illuminating Challenges with Light
Unholy Contracts

Other workshops:

Dream Workshop
Meditative Forest Walks
Full Moon Bonfire and Rituals
Estatic Dancing
History of … read more.

Fall Clean-up: October 21

The Grounds Committee is looking for a huge response for a fall clean-up on Saturday, October 21 at 10am to prepare the gardens for fall/winter.

The whole effort should be done by noon with enough helpers; bring whatever yard “toys” you have to make the effort … read more.