Author: Nathalie Edmond

Why I Am Inspired to Lead

Recently in a board meeting we were discussing why people choose to serve in various leadership roles at UUCWC. I thought I would share their remarks as some of you consider stepping in and out of leadership roles.

Be part of good things happening.Care … read more.

The Role of UUCWC’s Treasurer

by Nathalie Edmond, President, UUCWC Board of Trustees

This summer, the Board of Trustees has been focused on re-examining the critical role of the Treasurer in our congregation. At the annual meeting many of you voted in a new Treasurer, Patrick Kahney. Patrick has … read more.

The 8th Principle

By Nathalie Edmond, for UUCWC Board of Trustees

I am writing this article from my multiple identities, values and commitments. Some of my identities – I am a UU, person of color, mother of bi-racial children, steering committee member of local chapter of Campaign to End … read more.