Author: Robin Pugh

The Joy of Chalice Circles

  THIS MONTH WE ARE STARTING OUR ninth chalice circle. A silver lining of our closed church building is that so many people have connected through a small group. Small groups are a profound way of “doing church” that nurtures spiritual growth and a different way of being together. Whether it’s Wellspring, chalice circles, the … Continue reading The Joy of Chalice Circles

A Q & A With Robin Pugh About Religious Education during COVID

This month, CrossCurrents asked Director of Lifespan Faith Engagement, Robin Pugh, a few questions about Religious Education during the pandemic. Here’s what we learned. Q: Can you describe the Religious Education (RE) programs for our children and young teens during this virtual time? A: We are not seeing many families during our Sunday worship, but … Continue reading A Q & A With Robin Pugh About Religious Education during COVID

What Do Visitors Need?

by Robin Pugh, Director, Lifespan Faith Engagement This church year, I’ve taken on some of the responsibilities of the Congregational Life staff position because we are not having our usual children’s program at church. (Our children continue to learn. During the pandemic, Kim and I are assisting parents in their role as “resident theologians” by … Continue reading What Do Visitors Need?

Engaging in Small Groups

This church year, the invitation is to deepen your Unitarian Universalist faith by living our congregation’s mission. As mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter, UUCWC’s mission is to Celebrate Life, Create Community and Change the World. We Celebrate Life by attending worship; Create Community by engaging in small groups, and Change the World by serving in … Continue reading Engaging in Small Groups

“Religious Education” is Now “Faith Engagement”

In August, the Board affirmed my request for a change of title to Director of Lifespan Faith Engagement. “Faith Engagement” is the name of the UUA office that supports faith development for children, youth and adults.  Why the name change from “religious education”? The term “religious education” connotes a 1950’s style of education with teachers … Continue reading “Religious Education” is Now “Faith Engagement”

Strengthening Connections

I am thinking of all of you as you live in the uncertainty of what the school year brings. Please know that UUCWC is here to help you through this challenging time with support, intention and grace. Whatever happens in the coming months, we are facing it together with the love and support of everyone … Continue reading Strengthening Connections

Summer Happenings

Children’s Summer ProgramUUCWC’s summer program for K-8th grade is called UU Kids Connect. It is virtual and nationwide, developed by seven religious educators in congregations in New York and New Jersey. (I am not one of the seven but I am helping with the program now). It is open to UU children across the country … Continue reading Summer Happenings