Author: Robin Pugh

Helping You Stay Connected

I have been thinking about all of you so much this week. It was wonderful to see so many people at our first on-line worship service last Sunday. We are a strong, caring community. I am so glad we have each other so we … read more.

Reflections on Kim’s Sabbatical

By the time you read this, Kim’s sabbatical will be half over. I want to share with you an article I wrote when my first UU minister announced she was leaving. Kim is not leaving, but her sabbatical brings up similar feelings for me … read more.

UU Summer Camps For All Ages

Attending a UU summer camp or conference helps to solidify a Unitarian Universalist identity. Many lifelong Unitarian Universalists will tell you it was their participation in UU summer camps, conferences, retreats and other “immersion experiences” that solidified their connection to their faith.

According to … read more.

Coming Into Connection Starts Nov. 3.

Explore deep questions as you connect with an assigned partner, build relationships and deepen your UU identity.

Partnerships are created between new and longtime members or between members of different ages who will get to know each other by exploring deep questions, … read more.

The Sweet Spot of Volunteering

In September, I met with seven individual class teams made up of the 41 volunteers in the Religious Education program. During these meetings, I witnessed again and again how much our RE volunteers are committed to our children and to passing on Unitarian Universalism using … read more.

Last Chance to Sign up for ARE classes

Last chance to sign up for these ARE classes:

Chalice Circle via videoconference once a month.
Join a Chalice Circle from the comfort of your home. Begins Oct 2nd and meets first Wednesdays from 7pm-9pm. Facilitated by Robin Pugh

Living the 8th Principle
Monthly meeting that … read more.