Author: Robin Pugh

What I’m Doing

This is my last newsletter column before I start my 4-month sabbatical on January 22nd. I’d like to take this time to answer questions about what is happening during my time away and to share my goals and plans with you. Who is taking over for you when you are on sabbatical? For children’s RE, … Continue reading What I’m Doing

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to those families that I haven’t seen this summer. Our intergenerational water ingathering service is on September 10. Please bring a small amount of water from your home or a place you visited this summer. Our full Religious education program begins on September 17th. The RE Committee for Children and Youth and I … Continue reading Welcome Back!

Robin’s Sabbatical

Did you know that Robin Pugh has been leading our Religious Education program for 8 years?! Yes, this marks the beginning of her ninth year at UUCWC. She is the longest serving Director of Religious Education in UUCWC history. Because of that, it is an honor that we will have a unique opportunity while Robin … Continue reading Robin’s Sabbatical

Encouraged and Inspired After General Assembly

I’ve just returned from the UUA’s General Assembly in New Orleans. The theme was “Resist and Rejoice”. To be honest, I approached this GA with curiosity and trepidation. I wondered about the health of our denomination after several troubling events at our national headquarters. These included: the resignation of former president Peter Morales, a UUA … Continue reading Encouraged and Inspired After General Assembly