Author: Susan Irgang

2021 Endowment Grant Applications Available

by Bonnie Gilbert and Meghan Horn, Co-Chairs, Endowment Committee

The Endowment Committee has begun its annual grant application process. Due to gains in our investments, the Committee is able to offer Endowment Grants which are used to benefit UUCWC and support at least one of the … read more.

UUCWC’s Mission: The One We Give To Ourselves

by Jamie Evanini, Trustee, Board of Trustees

I’ve been thinking of the lines of a song we listened to at February 24th’s Church Council meeting, a gathering of representatives from all of UUCWC’s committees and ministries and any other interested members and friends:

“This joy that I … read more.

Caryl Tipton Retiring in 2022

The Personnel Committee, Board and staff look forward to celebrating Caryl Tipton’s 30 years at UUCWC and share this statement from Caryl as well as a history of the music program.

A Statement on
Reitrement from Caryl Tipton, Director of Music Ministry

I will … read more.

UUCWC to donate to UUA’s Texas Relief Fund

UUCWC’s Council for Faith In Action quickly responds!  The UU DISASTER RELIEF FUND and our Southern Region staff are working diligently to assist UU congregations and their communities impacted by the severe winter weather and extended power outages across Texas. The First UU Church of … read more.

Environmental Task Force of the Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice Educational Links

The Environmental Task Force of the Unitarian Universalist for Social Justice shared with our Earth Ministry the following educational pieces:

Plastic waste Hungry Cities

See more educational offers from the Total Environmental Task Force at … read more.

Mid-Year Financial Update

by Mary Baltycki, Chair-Finance Committee


It is with a great deal of pleasure that the Finance Committee presents a financial summary for the first six months of our fiscal year. We have closed out the calendar year … read more.

UUCWC Continues To Be Generous

by Steve Saddlemire, Faith Expression and Funding Team of the Council for Faith and Action

Last Spring when everyone became aware of the “Coronavirus thing”, the expectation was that by mid-summer it would all be over. Summer turned into fall and now as … read more.