Author: Susan Irgang

Annual Endowment Grant Process To Begin

The Endowment Committee is happy to announce that our annual grant application process will begin again in February, 2021. Please be on the lookout for an application link and application due dates in upcoming communications.

The Endowment Grants are used to benefit UUCWC and support … read more.

Dreaming of a Post-Pandemic UUCWC

by Michael Waas, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees held a winter retreat on January 9th. As with the fall retreat, this was an opportunity to explore how the board can support the ongoing work of the congregation, as outlined in the … read more.

30 Days of Love from Side with Love

Side with Love is an interfaith public advocacy campaign promoting respect for the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Side with Love confronts issues of exclusion, oppression, and violence based on identity. With the goal of creating beloved community, the campaign pursues social … read more.

Allie’s Garden in the Time of COVID-19

by Al Johnson, Co-Chair, Earth Ministry

Allie’s Organic Garden at UUCWC was alive and well in 2020. Earth Ministry started the garden in 2012 to provide fresh produce for the Monday Tutoring and Wacky Wednesday meals provided for the HomeFront Children and for Food Ministry meals. … read more.

UUCWC Named as first River Friendly Community Partner

The Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing was recently awarded certification as a River Friendly Community Partner by the Watershed Association due to a long time and long term commitment to environmental stewardship. According to the Watershed Association, “This River-Friendly status means the organizations … read more.

Memorial Trees

by Steve Saddlemire, Co-Chair, Grounds Committee

The Grounds Committee has had a long planned project to identify and label the memorial trees located on the church property. Utilizing the historical perspective of Bernie Ruekgauer, we found the trees for Donald Kahn, Art Shafer, Catherine … read more.