Author: Susan Irgang

Construction Begins at UUCWC!

At long last, the Capital Project at UUCWC began with the creation of a new walkway and a launch on October 24, 2023 by Jayme Trott, co-chair of the Capital Campaign, and Rev. Kim Wildszewski.

Special Presentation on the Green Amendment 10/26 at 7pm

If you have been curious about the “Green Amendment,” here’s the perfect opportunity to learn about it! Maya K. van Rossum, founder of the Green Amendment for the Generations Movement and author of The Green Amendment, The People’s Fight For A Clean, Safe & Healthy Environment, will present a talk on Thursday, October 26 at 7:00pm in … Continue reading Special Presentation on the Green Amendment 10/26 at 7pm

Fall Guest Musicians

Director of Music Ministry Erin Busch has arranged another incredible line-up of guest musicians and concerts for Fall/Winter 2023. On September 24, hear soprano Mignot Toggia at Sunday Worship.  Megnot graduated with her M.M. in Voice Performance from Temple University’s Boyer College of Music and Dance. She has been seen in Opera Ithaca’s productions of Gianni … Continue reading Fall Guest Musicians

“Writing Your Memorial Service” Class by Rev. Kim Coming in August

Adult Faith Engagement is offering a new class with Rev. Kim. “Writing your Memorial Service” Class 1: Thursday 8/17 12-2 Class 2: Tuesday 8/22 12-2 Class 3: Thursday 8/24 12-2 Reflect on memorial services, funerals and celebrations of life. Rev. Kim will help participants reflect on and consider their own wishes.  To register, email 

UUA Elects New President

It is with great enthusiasm that the UUA welcomes the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt as the tenth UUA President! We also note that this is not the first time the Rev. Dr. Betancourt has served as leader of the Association. She was appointed co-president for an interim period in 2017 and provided guidance and care … Continue reading UUA Elects New President

Highlights from a Historic General Assembly

UUA NewsletterUnitarian Universalist AssociationJuly 2023 As we do each year, Unitarian Universalists from across the United States and beyond came together for worship, learning and growth, decision making, and faithful re-connection at General Assembly (GA) in the third week of June. Speakers were passionate, the music was moving, and important decisions were made. This GA was also … Continue reading Highlights from a Historic General Assembly

Farewell Message from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Grey (shared from Central East Region Newsletter)

As her time as UUA President winds down, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray shares a message of appreciation for the work we’ve done together and excitement for what’s to come. Some of her proudest moments during this time include fulfilling the Promise and Practice campaign to fund Black Lives of UU, implementing the recommendations of the Commission … Continue reading Farewell Message from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Grey (shared from Central East Region Newsletter)

UUCWC Lifts Vaccination Requirement for In-Person Participation

Over the last three years, the Board, Staff and numerous leadership teams have worked diligently and transparently to create the most holistic and values-driven care we could provide during the Covid-19 public health emergency. We are so proud of the ways UUCWC has pivoted, grieved and grown. Now, in light of current public health conditions, … Continue reading UUCWC Lifts Vaccination Requirement for In-Person Participation

Mark Your Calendars for a Busy Spring 2023 at UUCWC

There’s a lot happening this spring at UUCWC! Save these dates: April 29-May 6: Online Auction Continues May 5: Service Award Nominations Deadline May 7: Rev. Kim and Guest Minister emilie boggis; Summer children’s program begins May 15: Julie Rigano joins UUCWC as Director of Family Ministry May 21: Annual Budget Review Meeting following Sunday Service June 4: UUCWC Annual Meeting at … Continue reading Mark Your Calendars for a Busy Spring 2023 at UUCWC