Author: UUCWC

Endowment Fund Announces Awards

by Bonnie Gilbert, Co-chair, Endowment Committee

The Endowment Committee is pleased to announce that, due to the growth of the fund during 2023, grants could be awarded this year. After reviewing applications from various committees and ministries, the Endowment Committee made these awards:

To the Earth and … read more.

Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride

by Julie Rigano, Director of Family Ministry

My first Pride in Philly in 2018 was one of the most transformative experiences of my life. The queer and trans community in the city helped me reach new levels of growth. With their continual support since I moved … read more.

We Are the Church that Matters – A Word From Finance

by Jim Sanders, Outgoing Chair, Finance Committee

After a wonderful review of our congregation’s year by Reverend Kim at the Annual Meeting on June 2, we presented, and the congregation overwhelmingly approved, our Church’s budget for the new year that begins July 1, 2024.

The continuing good … read more.

Where to Start?

by Lisa Schilansky, Intern Minister

I was having a conversation the other day about how Generation Z and those younger are growing up in a completely different world than Generation X, Baby Boomers, and the Silent Generation. The early 2000s brought the “Breaking News” panic crawl … read more.

The Hidden Savings Above Us!

by Mark Pokryska and Barbara Drew, for the Earth and Climate Ministry

We have a solar system! No, we do not mean the planets, moon, and stars. Our building’s solar system is much closer – just a few feet above us as we move about the … read more.

Mid-year Update on Our Church Finances

by Jim Sanders, Finance Chair, and Denny Rodgers, Treasurer

U.S. presidents declare in their State of the Union address each year that “the state of our Union is sound”; we too can say unequivocally that the state of our church is financially sound!

We are in the … read more.

Do You Know About Loaves and Fishes?

by Ed Dobrowolski and Ronnie Dobrowolski, Social Action Ministry

If you are new to UUCWC, you may not know the story behind Loaves and Fishes, one of our congregation’s longest-running social action outreach efforts. Loaves and Fishes is an organization that provides weekend meals for the … read more.

Democracy In Action Beyond Our Church Doors

by Michael Wilson and Leslie McGeorge, Faith Action Ministry

As Unitarian Universalists, we should all be interested in our democracy and how to make it work better for everyone. The word democracy means “the people rule.” If you think about it, all that we cherish and … read more.

What Can Making Amends Look Like in Today’s World

by Lisa Schilansky, Ministerial Intern

Every year the Unitarian Universalist Association selects a book for the Common Read. The Association then produces a curriculum for UU adults to use in discussing the book. The UUA provides additional materials for folks who do not join a … read more.

Generosity of Spirit

by Scott Blaydon, Stewardship Co-chair

The annual Stewardship pledge drive is in full swing! Everyone contributes to the church in a myriad of ways; however, the annual pledge is so essential to the continued vitality and functioning of our ministry, programs, staff positions, buildings, and … read more.