Author: UUCWC

March 2023 Capital Campaign Update

by Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign Status: We have MORE great news! The Hopewell Township Planning Board approved our proposed site plan and we now can move forward with hiring the general contractor for our project. Hopewell Township will now review the architectural plans for building permits, a process that should take about 6 weeks. … Continue reading March 2023 Capital Campaign Update

Endowment Update

by Bonnie Gilbert, Co-chair, Endowment Committee This is the time of year the Endowment Committee usually calls for grant requests for items of need that are not in the annual budget. However, due to the lackluster performance of our Endowment Funds in comparison to our contributions, the Endowment Committee is sorry to report we will … Continue reading Endowment Update

UUCWC Prepares for General Assembly

by Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs June will be here before you know it when our UUA General Assembly (GA) will meet in Pittsburgh. There is still time to register and attend. To date, Alison Streit Baron, Holly Bussey, Jennifer Ciccolini, Heather Edwards, Jim Sanders, Dan Tuft and Robin Pugh are attending as delegates. Heather … Continue reading UUCWC Prepares for General Assembly

Welcome to the JULIETs

by Bonnie Ruekgauer DID YOU KNOW that UUCWC has a monthly lunch group called JULIETs? The name is an acronym for “Just Us Ladies Into Eating and Talking.” Going back to the early 2000s, the lunches were held at the church, with three rotating hosts preparing the meal each month. After a few years, the … Continue reading Welcome to the JULIETs

Amazon “Smile” Program Ends But We Have “RaiseRight”

by Holly Bussey and Wendy Stasolla, for Fundraising For years, non-profits have raised monies when supporters designate the non-profits in their Amazon purchases to receive a small but helpful contribution from Amazon through the Smile Program. UUCWC is no exception. However, it appears that the Smile Program will end as of February, 2023. We encourage … Continue reading Amazon “Smile” Program Ends But We Have “RaiseRight”

Capital Campaign Good News!

by Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign We have great news this month! First, after several delays, we are finally on the Hopewell Township Planning Board agenda for February 23. Since the “larger footprint” plans we presented were already approved, we don’t anticipate any problem receiving approval for the project changes. Following zoning approval, Hopewell Township … Continue reading Capital Campaign Good News!

Reflecting, Envisioning and Planning for the New Church Year

by Michael Waas, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees According to the calendar, January and February are the depths of winter. This is typically the season for snow shovels and snow boots though, according to the weather, raincoats and umbrellas are more appropriate this year. This is also the season to begin planning the next church … Continue reading Reflecting, Envisioning and Planning for the New Church Year