Author: UUCWC

UUCWC Support Outside Our Walls Exceeds Twelve Prior Years of Shared Plate

Our church year, once again, ended on an upbeat tone. Despite the continued challenges of COVID, now in its 3rd year, the work of the Council for Faith in Action’s (CFA) Faith Expression and Funding Team Ministry (FEFT) continued the path of sharing our abundance with the world. FEFT is the team within the CFA … Continue reading UUCWC Support Outside Our Walls Exceeds Twelve Prior Years of Shared Plate

Endowment Awards for 2022-23

by Meghan Horn, Co-chair, Endowment Committee For the 2022-2023 church year, the Endowment Committee is happy to announce the following grants have been awarded: Erin Busch: for diverse choirs/musician performance;Susan Irgang: for virtual church service equipment;Wendy Stasolla for the Earth Ministry: for Terra Cycle recycling bins;Jessie Boehm: for Nursery upgrades. Thank you to all the … Continue reading Endowment Awards for 2022-23

UUCWC Steps Up and Attends General Assembly Virtually

The Unitarian Universalist General Assembly (GA), the annual meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), was a multi-platform conference: in person in Portland, Oregon, as well as online for virtual attendees. UUCWC had nine attendees who all participated virtually. Six voting delegates represented our congregation in the UUA business meetings, and three other members were … Continue reading UUCWC Steps Up and Attends General Assembly Virtually